Hidden Inventory, Part 6

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"Sorry. It's my fault. I didn't take into consideration Kuroi's importance to the enemy," Geto apologized.

"Is that right? It's not a big deal. The enemy is probably gonna try to take advantage of this hostage situation...and demand a trade of Amanai for Kuroi. Or probably something like, if we don't kill Amanai, they'll kill Kuroi. Since we have Amanai, we have the upper hand. We just need to coordinate a meeting place. We can handle the rest. For now, we'll take Amanai to Jujutsu High. Maybe we can get Shoko to act as a double," Gojo replied.

"Wait! I'm going too! I can't trust you guys with this!" Riko exclaimed.

"What?" Gojo sends an annoyed look in Riko's direction. "You brat. Do you realize the situation you're–"

"Even if you rescue her...what happens if Kuroi isn't back before the merger? I still...haven't even said goodbye to her!" Riko had tears in the corner of her eyes as she grasped onto her skirt.

Geto became surprised when he saw Gojo looking away from the female without another word that could continue their bickering.

"We'll be getting a call from the kidnappers soon. If they're smarter than we thought...and if taking you means that Kuroi's chances of survival decreases, we're gonna leave you behind," Gojo says.

"Understood! That's fine," Riko wiped away the tears from her eyes with a thumb.

"And don't even try backing out halfway. We don't care if you're scared. Got it?"


"Okinawa!!!" Gojo and Riko hollered in sync as they ran toward the ocean.

Kuroi and Geto stayed back watching the other two.

"I can't believe I was defeated by a member of the Time Vessel Association. A non-curse user too... I'm so embarrassed," Kuroi muttered.

"No worries, it was a surprise attack. It was also my fault," Geto reassured the female beside him.

"Was it really a surprise attack though? I was on my guard after the Q incident. And I can't quite remember being kidnapped... Moreover, you came by plane? What if you were attacked?" Kuroi asks.

"Satoru's got sharp eyes. Before we took off, he checked out both the passengers and crew as well as the plane. I was escorting the plane using my curses during our flight. It was safer than risking an unfamiliar route on land. I'm actually more concerned about why they chose Okinawa," Geto explains before bringing a hand to his chin.

"Was it to buy time? Even if they can't kill Master Riko, did they do this to delay the merger till after tomorrow's full moon?" Kuroi asks. "Then they would have chosen a rural area without much infrastructure or roads. Maybe they plan to attack the airport!"

"Perhaps. But it's okay. We're not the only ones...who came to Okinawa," Geto replied.


Two teenagers could be seen standing beside each other. One of them was calm, and the other was bright and excited for this mission they were on.

"I don't think...this is an appropriate mission for first-years," the Jujutsu High first-year, Kento Nanami, says.

"Well... I'm all fired up! I wanna show Geto what I got!" The other Jujutsu High first-year, Yu Haibara, exclaimed. "Besides, our senpai are putting their lives on the line for an innocent girl! We gotta do our part!!"

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