The Shibuya Incident, Part 23

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Itadori stood paralyzed as he realized that he had been hit, steam flying out of his wound.

Choso pulled his left arm back toward his face, not a single emotion being seen on his face.

'I was too careless! I didn't think there were any more projectiles! Huh?! Where'd I get hit?! This feels different than that time my gut was pierced! Crap, he must've gotten a vital internal organ! I'm gonna lose... I'm gonna di–' Itadori thought before realizing something.

Immediately, he dug his heels into the crumbling ground beneath him and bent his knees while bringing his hands up into closed fists; creating a fighting stance.

'I now role. For the sake of Fushiguro, Kugisaki, (Y/n), Nanamin...and all my upper-classmen... I have to make sure they get through Gojo-sensei. Even if it means dying...I'm gonna take him down! I don't have to be the one...' Blood bubbled up Itadori's throat which started dripping down his chin. ' save Gojo-sensei.' Itadori told himself.

'Three hits. That was only three hits. Excluding the ones I blocked, he only hit me three times. Yet I took this much damage!!' Choso thought as he felt a throbbing pain in his arm.

Blood covered Choso's right arm as he got into a fighting stance.

"Come," the curse womb ordered.

Not even a second later, Itadori sends an attack in Choso's direction who decides to block it.

'From the right...' Itadori thought as he watched Choso send an attack with his right arm which the pink-haired teenager blocks.

Choso then drops to his hands and sweeps his feet at the back of Itadori's ankles.

'Below.' Itadori moves out of the way which causes even more water to pour down from above.

The pink-haired teenager opened one of the bathroom stalls and locked it behind him when he entered.

Choso stood in front of the stall and stared at it in confusion.

'Hiding behind a wall after all tha–' Choso began to think just for the stall's door to break by Itadori's attack that he sent in the curse womb's face.

The male glared at the boy just to have Itadori wrap his legs around Choso's neck and shoulders.

'I'm not done yet!' Itadori yelled in his head as he sent both him and Choso flying to the ground which caused the dark-haired male to stagger. 'He staggered!'

Itadori sends in another punch just to come to a halt when Choso grabs him.

'I haven't used my left arm since the first hit. He probably thinks that I can't use it anymore. That's why I'll use my right as a decoy to land a... hit!!' Itadori sends a punch to Choso's side which makes him realize something. 'What–?! That didn't feel right.'

Choso sends a punch straight into Itadori's gut which causes the teenager to stumble backward with his blood flying.

Itadori held a shocked and distant look on his face as he choked out blood before he was sent flying into the wall behind him.

Blood dripped out of Itadori's mouth as his head went limp and fell forward.

"Too bad," Choso says as he pulls his clothes away to show the hardened blood that covered his right side.

Not a single movement was seen from the teenager as he lay lifeless, but still alive, against the wall.

"Still...breathing, huh? When you get to the other sure to ask for my brothers' forgiveness," Choso coldly says.

All of a sudden, some sort of throb expressed itself from inside Choso's head which caused his eyes to widen.

A memory was born inside of Choso's brain...of a past event that never happened.


Mirai stared at (Y/n)'s figure with a panicked expression on their face when they realized their face felt like it was cracking.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Let go! Lemme go!!" Mirai yelled as they grasped onto (Y/n)'s forearm just to scream in pain as a burning sensation swallowed the palms of their hands instead which caused them to release the (H/c)-haired male.

Fear swam on the curse's face as they swung their feet to try and get (Y/n) to release them.

(Y/n) seemed unbothered by the attempts made by the curse as he crushed Mirai's head which allowed a screech of pain to be heard echoing.

The domain of mirrors that surrounded the two wavered, but stayed standing.

Violet blood splattered across (Y/n)'s face as he dropped a barely alive Mirai to the ground.

"Still breathing? Even so... You're not making it out alive."

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