Hidden Inventory, Part 4

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"So those guys...didn't go back to Jujutsu High yet? Well, that's lucky. Now there'll be more than just total idiots going after the bounty," the Fushiguro male said as he picked apart a set of chopsticks while being on his phone.

"You sure about this?" His colleague asks.

"Why do you ask?" The male questions.

"The 30 million yen paid to you was a service fee from the Time Vessel Association. If the star plasma vessel dies, the money's gone. You might end up with nothing," the other answers. "Why even hire you? We could have offered the money as a bounty from the start."

"They have Satoru Gojo on their side. He's the first in a hundred years to wield both six-eyed and limitless cursed technique. As long as he's with her...we won't be able to take out the star plasma vessel," the Fushiguro replied.

"Even you?" His colleague questions.

"Hm... Good question. First off, we'll be using those idiots for the remaining 39 hours of the mission...to wear down Gojo and the other sorcerers with him. And since they won't be able to kill the star plasma vessel, it'll be free labor," he states.

"The time limit turned out in our favor. Makes it easier to gather curse users."

"But that's not the only thing."

The Fushiguro's colleague seemed confused by his words.

"I'll be heading over soon myself. Looks like things are moving faster than expected you better have that 30 mil ready," the man states.

"What's wrong with you? I'm not some bulletin board for help-wanted posters. There's a listing fee and–"

The green-eyed man tossed his phone away. "Sorry, you're breaking up."


Gojo, Kuroi, and Geto could all be seen racing down a hallway in the direction of Riko.

"Where's Amanai?" Gojo asks.

"It's time for her music class now. So either the music room or the chapel," Kuroi answered.

"Chapel?!" Gojo exclaimed.

"It depends on the teacher. This is a missionary school, by the way," Kuroi replied.

"Satoru, you take the chapel. Kuroi, the music room. I'll head for the two intruders," Geto ordered.

"Understood," Kuroi agreed.

The trio separates away, Kuroi and Gojo going in one direction, and Geto going in the other.

"That's why I told her to let us stay close. That brat!" Gojo complained.

"I'm sorry. I even told her to keep us updated with texts," Kuroi apologized.


'Could these intruders be the remnants of Q? If it's hired muscle of the Time Vessel Association, this could be trouble.' Geto thought.

Geto then turns a corner and takes notice of an old man with two shikigami by his feet.

"Well, well... That uniform," the older man says.

Geto quickly summons two identical curse spirits to his side.

'He assumed there are multiple opponents just from my uniform...and covered both his front and rear with shikigami. This geezer knows what he's doing.' Geto realized.

'There's no intermediary?! His cursed energy is different than that of a jujutsu sorcerer as well. Could it be?!' The old man seemed to realize.

"Curse manipulation!" He exclaimed.

Geto smiled. "Correct. You're as wise as your age suggests," he confirmed.

"Old age isn't what it's cracked to be. It costs a lot of money to live this long you know," the old man says.

Geto narrowed his eyes as his smile turned into a frown while shifting his feet a bit.

'As I thought. These types are never the aggressor. He's uncomfortable with...close-quarters combat! And surely he won't think a curse user such as myself will get close to him!! Doesn't like close-quarters combat and isn't expecting aggression. This is too easy.' The old man thought.

"You look like you've got a lot on your mind. Don't waste your time," Geto then smirks as he lifts a hand.

A giant parasite and bloodsucking eel-like cursed spirit appears from the ground, surprising the other curse user.

"What?!" He shouted.

Geto turns away, thinking that he has gotten his opponent. "Well then... One down. One to go," he says before his eyes widened when he heard a loud crash behind him.

"You're mine!!" The old man shouts as Geto turns in his direction.

Instead of attacking the male, a dog appeared in front of the old man's face.

"Tasuke! Is that you, Tasuke?! Ha ha! It's been so long! Over 50 years, right? Tasuke, ever since you died– Ah, I see..."

Realization came to the man's mind when he noticed that his life was flashing right before his eyes.

Geto was beating the hell out of the old man, one hand wrapped around his opponent's wrist, and the other one wrapped around the older man's head.

Glasses went flying along with saliva as Geto sent a punch in the elderly's face, which caused a tooth to break.

'My life is flashing before my eyes!' The elderly man thought. "It was all just a ruse, right?!" He asks.

Geto smirks a bit. "Yeah. You were itching to get in close, weren't you? Those who are focused on a single way to win...are easy to manipulate when presented with the opportunity. Anyway..." He trails off as places his hands on his knees, looming over his injured opponent.

"Are you with Q? Or the Time Vessel Association?" Geto asks bluntly.


"Thirty million... Maybe I'll get some eel tonight. Nothing tastes better than a meal paid for with blood," the masked man says.

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