The Shibuya Incident, Part 36

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Mahoraga swings its arm down at Sukuna who easily blocks the incoming attack but due to the force, it causes the ground beneath Sukuna's feet to break.

Haruta did his best not to get blown away by the strong blasts of wind that the attack gave off.

Sukuna narrowed his eyes at Mahoraga before flipping over and letting the attack land where he once stood.

While in mid-air, Sukuna sent a punch straight at Mahoraga's face.

"Dismantle," Sukuna says as he sends an attack at Mahoraga.

Mahoraga stumbled at the force of the attack and fell to its knees as blood dripped down its opened wounds.

'That's a specialized blade for cursed spirits. The Sword of Extermination. It's enveloped in positive energy, similar to reverse cursed energy. If I was a cursed spirit, I'd be a goner.' Sukuna thought.

The large eight-handled wheel above Mahoraga spun before coming to a stop as it turned its attention over to Sukuna it got back onto its feet.

Sukuna took notice of the wound's healing.

'Its wounds are healed. It did something...' Sukuna mused.

"What's next?" Sukuna asks as he points his hand up into the air which sends an attack at Mahoraga, but it is easily deflected.

Sukuna's eyes widened in surprise. 'It deflected the attack! You can see it! You can see my cursed technique!' He thought.

Sukuna watched as Mahoraga brought its left arm up so he lifted his own to block the incoming attack.

(Y/n) watched as Mahoraga sent Sukuna flying through multiple buildings.

"Ah..." The (H/c)-haired male sighed heavily as he looked at all the damage. "So this is the General?" He muttered as he crossed his arms over his chest. "He's only playing around... But then again, he's only at many fingers?"

Another loud thundering roar of buildings being destroyed was heard in the far distance.

"If that asshole sends Mahoraga in my direction, I know who's fucking dying and it's not Uraume."

With another sigh, (Y/n) disappeared from where he stood to check up on Sukuna.


Mahoraga had a wide grin on its face as it watched Sukuna break through a walk and land on a few desks.

"Not bad!" Sukuna exclaimed as he watched Mahoraga send an attack at his face which he quickly dodged.

The pink-haired male wrapped his legs around Mahoraga's shoulders and grabbed it by the face.

"My turn," he says.

A loud explosion rattled the building along with Mahoraga's body flying out of one of the windows.

Sukuna smirked widely as he pushed Mahoraga's body down onto one of the buildings below before landing on his feet nearby.

'If I'm understanding this correctly, it'll stand up...' He thought.

The eight-handled wheel spun once more, healing Mahoraga's wounds as it stood up.

"Just as I thought. It's similar to Yamato No Orochi," Sukuna says.

'That second attack... Instead of positive energy like the first attack...the second was imbued with cursed energy. As for my attack... It was able to recognize dismantle. Both occurred after that wheel on its back turned. Furu's incantation of the Ten Sacred Treasures and that wheel represent a complete cycle and harmony. I bet this shikigami's power is...the ability to adapt to any and all phenomena! Kind of like a late throw in rock-paper-scissors! If it was me from that may have been able to beat me.' Sukuna thought to himself.

A male then started chuckling. "Keh keh... Keh keh keh. You showed me the way...Megumi Fushiguro! Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine."

Sukuna's grin widened as he lifted his head a little.

"Come, my little fox. I just know you're itching to fight."

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