Hidden Inventory, Part 2

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"Escort the girl...and erase her?" Gojo asks.

"Correct," Masamichi answered.

"He's finally lost it," Gojo whispered.

"It is spring after all, and with him being the next principal and all, he's getting carried away," Geto whispered back.

"All jokes aside..." Geto trails off.

"I'll decide whether that's considered a joke or not," Masamichi piped in.

"...are we resetting Master Tengen's cursed technique?" Geto asks.

"What's that?" Gojo questions.

Geto and Masamichi looked over at the other teenager as if he was stupid and should already know this.


A heavy sigh was then heard.

"Master Tengen possesses the cursed technique of immortality...but it doesn't stop the aging process. Master Tengen doesn't have a particular issue with aging. However, once a certain age is reached, the cursed technique will try to change bodies."

"Hm?" Gojo stared at Masamichi, waiting for him to continue the explanation.

"Evolution. Master Tengen will no longer be human and will ascend to a higher state," Masamichi states.

"So what's the problem?" Gojo questions.

"According to Master Tengen...the will also ceases to exist once you reach that level. Master Tengen will no longer be Master Tengen. The barriers that protect both jujutsu schools, the pillars of the jujutsu world... Numerous auxiliary managers' barrier techniques... They're all strengthened by Master Tengen. Without Master Tengen, security and even undertaking missions would become more difficult. Worst case scenario...Master Tengen could become an enemy to humanity. That's why once every 500 years...Master Tengen needs to merge with a compatible star plasma vessel...and rewrite the body's information," Geto says.

The said raven-haired male then eyed Gojo. "If the body is refreshed, then the cursed technique will follow suit. Evolution will not occur," he finished explaining.

"Gotcha. So becoming MetalGreymon is fine, but it'd be a problem if he became SkullGreymon. So we reset back to Koromon, right?" Gojo repeats in Digimon terms.

"Uh... Right... Anyway..." Geto agreed.

"The location of the star plasma vessel has been leaked. There are now two groups targeting the girl! The organization aiming to overturn the current jujutsu world by having Master Tengen lose all reason... The curse-user group Q! And the group that worships Master Tengen as their deity... The star religious group known as the Time Vessel Association! Master Tengen and the star plasma vessel will merge in two days when the moon is full! Escort the girl...and bring her to Master Tengen!!" Masamichi ordered.

A smug grin could be seen on Gojo's lips while a smug smile was on Geto's.

"If you fail, the repercussions could greatly affect society! Don't screw this up!" Masamichi finished.


"But, for real... I get why the curse-user group Q is after her...but why does the star religious group want to kill her?" Gojo asks.

Gojo opened up a can he had bought himself from a vending machine and started to drink it as he followed Geto.

"What they worship is a pure Master Tengen. A star plasma vessel would soil that purity according to them. But the star religious group are non-curse users. We shouldn't have to worry about them too much. But we do need to be wary of Q!" Geto answers.

"Anyway, it should be okay. We're the strongest. That's why Master Tengen asked us after–" Gojo noticed the look Geto was sending him. "What?"

"It's just... Satoru. I've been meaning to tell you this... You should be more mindful of the way you talk," Geto says.

"What–?!" Gojo exclaimed in disbelief as he crushed the now-empty can with cursed energy.

"Particularly around your superiors. We might be meeting Master Tengen, after all. You're way too rude. That way, even your juniors won't be scared of you," Geto replied.

"Sheesh... Give me a break," Gojo scoffed.

A loud explosion was heard.


Large clouds of smoke escaped from the window and into the sky.

"Is it our fault if the kid's already dead?" Gojo wondered.

Suddenly, Gojo and Geto spot a figure falling from the side of the building.


A man stood where the opening was at, watching the girl fall to her death.

"Forgive me. You can blame this on Tengen... Wha–?!" The man's eyes widened when he saw Geto holding the girl in his arms while sitting on a cursed spirit he had summoned.

"Don't go making a mess, now. We just got in trouble this morning," Geto says before looking at the girl he had saved. 'The girl is the star plasma vessel...' He thought.

"That uniform... You're from Jujutsu High, aren't you? Hand over the child... Or die!" The Q soldier, Kokun, ordered.

Geto brings a hand to his ear and leans forward a bit. "Sorry, I can't hear you. Come a little closer, would you?" Geto replied.

On the ground, Gojo released a sigh of relief. "Phew! Made it just in time," he says.

All of a sudden, multiple knives came up from the side, but Gojo was able to stop them in mid-air before they were able to reach him.

"Amazing. You're Satoru Gojo. You're famous. I've heard you're strong," the Q soldier, Vayer, compliments. "Show me if the rumors are true," he adds.

"Sure, but..." Gojo trails off as he bunches the knives up together. "Let's make a rule," he states.

"Rule?" Vayer repeats.

"I don't wanna go all-out and get in trouble. Cry and apologize now, and I won't kill ya. That's the rule," Gojo explains.

"Brat!" Vayer shouts.


"And so it begins. We, the star religious group, don't have the power to fight. But we have plenty of money. I assure you of that. How about it, Zen'in? How's a little star plasma vessel assassination sound to you?" A man in a black suit asks as he looks over at the other male beside him who has a scar on his lips and dressed in casual clothes.

"I don't go by Zen'in anymore. I got married and took my wife's name. I go by Fushiguro now," the man then sends a smirk over at the other. "Sounds good. I accept your offer," he agreed.

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