Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 10

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Loud terrified screams echoed throughout the night just to be cut silent as flames of blue poured like waves in every direction as a single figure with nine tails and a set of fox ears walked down a path made of gravel.

Soft chuckles escaped the figure's lips as they came to a stop in front of a man.

"Your quite weak, is it not?" The unnamed figure asked, peering down at the shorter being before them.

The man scowled as he held a blade consumed with cursed energy in his hands.

"Why are you doing this, cursed spirit? No... Ryomen Sukuna's right-hand man?!" The shorter asks in anger.

The nine-tailed fox chuckled lowly. "Oh, I was just bored at the fact that your clan has yet to be exterminated from society," they answered with a smirk dancing upon their lips.

The man's eyes widened. "Exterminated!?" He shouts.

Sharp, emotionless set of (E/c) hues peered down at the man before them as the blue flames behind them blazed even higher than ever before.

A grin replaces the cursed spirit's lips, showing a pair of sharp canines that were once hidden from view.

A (S/c) hand reaches forward and grasps onto the man's head from the face. "Oh, you heard what I meant. Being trapped here by the Kuroumi clan was quite the joy ride knowing I could've broken that seal anytime I wanted to," the figure chuckled.

"You...could've?" The man repeats in horror.

"Your clan. Your people. They're already dead. Hear the silence? They were dead the second I released my flames of cursed energy," the cursed spirit broke out into laughter.

The man stared at the nine-tailed fox in horror as he watched the sinister smile with a crazy look in the other's eyes sent a shiver of fear ran up his spine.

"Please don't–"

The cursed spirit crushes the man's head, sending blood flying.

Now swinging like a ragdoll, the nine-tailed fox releases their hold on the lifeless man, ignoring the thud as they turned away.

A single (S/c) hand lifts toward a single blood splatter that was on the figure's face just to wipe it off with their thumb.

Once at the entrance of the now-extinct Kuroumi clan, the figure was turned with their chest facing to the side, watching the building flames filled with cursed energy show that there was no stopping anytime soon.

With a low chuckle, the cursed spirit wiped the blood on the hakama that they wore.

But a moment later, a loud slam followed the second that the (E/c)-eyed figure turned away and walked off.

"Hm... Disgusting sorcerers."

(Y/n) could be seen casually kicking away a small cursed spirit that had thought that it'd be a good idea to go after him and Inumaki.

Inumaki watched as his (H/c)-haired companion easily beat the grade 3 cursed spirit without a care in the world after kicking it with a kick covered in cursed energy.

"Tuna," Inumaki called out.

(Y/n) shifted his figure to stare down at Inumaki's short stature with a questioning look.

Inumaki points in a certain direction which makes (Y/n) understand what he is trying to say.

Inumaki wanted to head that way.

"Hm," (Y/n) hummed, nodding his head.

The duo turned in the direction that Inumaki had pointed in and started heading in that direction just to be stopped when they heard shifting around them.

"Kelp..." Inumaki called out.

A cursed spirit with its face peering out with its tongue elongated could be seen shifting its way out from behind a nearby tree.

Inumaki freezes up as the cursed spirit is sent rolling to the ground.

(Y/n) steps in front of Inumaki, placing an arm in front of the platinum blonde's way.

A very familiar cursed spirit by the name of Hanami showed itself.

Inumaki stayed beside (Y/n), unzipping the collar of his uniform.

"Salmon, salmon roe. Spiced cod roe."

An amused chuckle left (Y/n)'s lips. 'So they did come. This just made the event...'

(Y/n)'s eyes narrowed as a smirk crawled up onto his lips, flames flickering under his feet.

'...A whole lot interesting.'

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