The Shibuya Incident, Part 30

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An empty seal case lay on the ground near Jogo as he finishes giving ten of Sukuna's fingers to the unconscious pink-haired teenager.

'That's all ten...which means Itadori's consumed at least 15 fingers.' Jogo thought.

The sound of Nanako and Mimiko gasping and coughing grabbed Jogo's attention as he looked over in their direction.

"So, you're alive," he muttered. 'Probably due to one of their techniques, but they look scared. They likely can't do it several times.' Jogo thought.

"What a pain," Jogo holds a hand out in the two female direction just for his hand to be sliced off which shocked all three of them.

"You have one second. Move," Sukuna coldly ordered.

Jogo quickly released the hold he had and went to the girls' side as Sukuna got up onto his feet.

The trio's hearts pumped rapidly when they felt the power of Sukuna.

'So this is Sukuna! Sukuna's strength is different than Satoru Gojo's! It's overwhelmingly evil!' Jogo thought as sweat rolled down his face.

'I'm scared that any move we make...will mean our deaths!' Nanako thought as she and Mimiko huddled together. 'Breathe...! Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe!! Wait, is it even okay to breathe?! He won't kill us for breathing, will he?!'

Sukuna walked up to the trio pushing his hair back.

"Holding your heads a little high, don't you think?" Sukuna asks.

Jogo, Mimiko, and Nanako fell to their knees, the two girls going into a bowing position.

'My body moved without th–' Jogo began to think until the top of his head was sliced off.

An invisible force had sliced the volcano off of his head along with destroying the wall behind the three of them.

Violet blood dripped down Jogo's face as he stared at Sukuna with a wide eye.

"You thought kneeling on just one knee would be enough? The boughs that beat the most hang the lowest. But it seems your head doesn't beat much. You, kids. Is there something you'd like to ask of me? I'll give you one finger's worth of time. Go on," Sukuna says before urging the two girls to speak.

"Down below... There's a man wearing a priest's robe with stitches on his forehead. Please... Kill him," Nanako says.

"Please free... Master Geto," Mimiko joined in the pleading.

Two girls could be seen standing on top of a building's rooftop with a man who had saved them all those years ago.

Nanako was brushing gently away at the man's long raven-haired locks as she spoke.

"Who's Satoru Gojo anyway? He's super strong, right?" Nanako asks.

"Hm..." Geto hummed out, a soft smile appearing on his lips. "He was my best friend. But we fought, and it's been like this ever since," he answers.

'We love you. We love you. We love you. Satoru Gojo. We'll never forgive you for killing Master Geto. But we were okay with letting things be. Satoru Gojo is Master Geto's one and only best friend, after all. But you? You're not Master Geto. You can go to hell.'

"We know where there's another finger along with the nine-tails," Nanako continued saying.

'We'll make you regret...what you did.' She thought.

"If you kill him, we'll tell you where the finger is. So... Please–" Nanako pleads just to be cut off.

"Raise your heads," Sukuna ordered.

Hearing the order, Mimiko and Nanako lifted their heads to stare at them.

A smirk was seen on Sukuna's lips as he stared down at the two girls.

Blood went flying and landed on Nanako's face as Mimiko's head was sliced off by an invisible force.

"Wha–?" Nanako shifted her head just to see the other girl dead beside her.

"You thought you could order me around...just for a finger or two?" Sukuna asks.

"Mimiko!! Mimiko!!" Nanako screamed.

"I'm not pleased," Sukuna bluntly says.

"Sukunaaa... DIE!!" Nanako pointed her phone in Sukuna's direction just for the top of her head to be sliced off.

Sukuna grinned in amusement as he watched Nanako's body drop like cubes.

The male caught the phone that fell and stared at it.

"Hm... The phone... No, it's probably the camera. Most likely something to do with manipulating the photographed subject. How boring," Sukuna scoffed as he crushed the phone before turning his attention to Jogo. "You're next... Cursed spirit. What do you need? Hurry up and tell me. I have to find my nine-tailed fox," he ordered.

"N... Nothing," Jogo says as he shifts his eye up to Sukuna.

"What?" Sukuna asks.

"Our objective is to fully revive you and bring the fox to his full glory again. Right now, Itadori is helpless to counter, but this is only temporary. Surely you know that better than anyone. Make a binding vow with Yuji Itadori before he takes control again! A binding vow that'll let you take over his body permanently! Shibuya is crawling with Itadori's friends! Use them as leverage!" Jogo exclaimed.

"Not necessary," Sukuna replies.

'Whaaa?' Jogo stared at Sukuna in shock.

"I have my own plans with my fox. Keh keh... But you cursed spirits...sure are desperate too. As a token of my appreciation for the fingers...if you can land even one hit on me, I'll do as you cursed spirits ask for now. As for my first order of business..." Sukuna trails off before smirking in Jogo's direction. "How about I kill every human in Shibuya? All but one, that is."

Jogo stared at Sukuna for a few moments before responding. "It's a deal."


The translucent tails and ears disappeared off of (Y/n)'s figure as he headed in the direction of where he felt Sukuna's power.

"If the plan is to bring back Sukuna and I... Does that mean Kenjaku wants to bring back a past event into the future?" (Y/n) muttered to himself.

His (E/c) eyes shifted off to the side.

"Nanami and the others have the same protection seal I gave Kokichi, but I haven't felt them use it yet. Either they're out of commission, severely injured, or dead. I wouldn't even be surprised if they forgot about it," he sighed.

'Thankfully I had Kokichi relocate the civilians, so there was no death I would be at fault for.' (Y/n) mused.

An amused chuckle then left his lips.

"But if I'm correct... I don't mind playing this game a little longer. After all, there hasn't been an actual reason to go full-out with all nine tails of mine."

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