Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 11

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"Sorry, Sweetcheeks... But I'll place you down when we get closer to one of the others," (Y/n) apologized as he carried a blushing Inumaki in his arms, the duo running away from Hanami that had an unhealing wound on his side.

Inumaki had his face stuffed into the collar of his uniform as he tried to calm down his steaming face while he and (Y/n) escaped the cursed spirit that was now chasing after them.


While Inumaki and (Y/n) were running away from Hanami, Noritoshi and Megumi could be seen fighting one another not knowing what was heading in their direction.

"A shikigami user who can hold his own in close combat... How valuable! You've grown. That makes me happy," Noritoshi says as he and Megumi stand at a good distance away from one another as if they just hadn't fought close combat with each other.

"Why are you acting all familiar with me?" Megumi asks.

"It's sympathy. You will one day become the pillar that supports the big three families. I...intend to kill Yuji Itadori!" Noritoshi replied.

Megumi stared indifferently at the male in front of him. "By Principal Gakuganji's order?" He questioned.

"No. This is my decision. As a member of the Kamo and the big three families...I believe it is the right decision. You...should also understand. You and I... Are the same!"

Megumi sweatdrops. "No, we're not."

"Yes, we are," Noritoshi replied.

"No, we're not!" Megumi repeated. "Please... You should bring that kind of stuff up with Maki. I no longer have any connection with the Zen'in family. Besides, I've never thought of myself as doing the right thing. Actually, I'm sorry. I don't care if I'm right or wrong. I only my conscience!"

An image of his sister and Itadori came to his mind.

"I will follow my conscience and save people. If you disagree with that then..." Megumi brings his hands up. "Let's curse each other!"

Noritoshi's eyes widened when the sound of a door breaking open and flying off its hinges was heard from behind him.

'A shikigami! It was still around?!' Noritoshi turned around ready to fight, just to watch the shikigami disappear back into the shadows. 'He used a wounded shikigami as a decoy?!'

"This used a lot of cursed I can only summon it once. It only recently surrendered to me."

A large elephant manifests from the shadows beside Megumi's figure.

As Noritoshi got ready to fight the huge shikigami, the elephant pounded its front two feet to the ground, sending huge waves of water in Noritoshi's direction instead.

This causes Noritoshi to cover his face as he is sent crashing out of the building that he and Megumi were fighting in.

His eyes widened when he saw Megumi staring at him with the next hand sign.

"Nue!" Megumi exclaimed, receiving a glare from the male that he was fighting.

Nue appears from the shadows and attacks Noritoshi who is still mid-air.

Noritoshi hissed out in pain before sending a blood pack in Nue's direction as it went back for another attack on him.

Nue's eyes widened as the blood surrounded it and wrapped it.

Megumi and Noritoshi land on the ground while Nue hits it hard.

"I can't afford to lose!!" Noritoshi hollers.

And just like that, huge trees loomed over the duo's figures which caught their attention.


"What is that?!"

Megumi immediately takes notice of (Y/n) and Inumaki running on the roof past them.

"Inumaki-senpai?! (Y/n)?!" Megumi shouts, capturing the named duo's attention.

"Run...a...way!" Inumaki shouts down to Megumi and Noritoshi.

Electricity shot between Noritoshi and Megumi thanks to the cursed speech user's order.

Without a second thought, they also started running away.

Hanami's attack hit the ground where Megumi and Noritoshi were once standing.

(Y/n) turns around and places his hand on the ground.

Blue flames made from cursed energy erupted from the ground and created a wall.

'Hah... I haven't used this much cursed energy in a while.' (Y/n) mentally sighed. 'Actually, this is barely a quarter of how much I used last time.'

The (H/c)-haired cursed spirit forced more cursed energy into the wall he created, sending it higher and flickering brightly.

(Y/n) then turned back around and headed in the direction of where Noritoshi, Megumi, and Inumaki went since he had allowed the trio to go further ahead without him.

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