The Shibuya Incident, Part 37

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Sukuna stood in front of his shrine with a wide smirk on his lips.

He had shrunk his domain so that it wouldn't kill Megumi which he had taken into account, so he had narrowed the effect's range to a 140-meter radius above the surface.

(Y/n) wanted to flip off the male, but knew that Sukuna's words were true.

He was indeed itching to fight a strong opponent, but he wasn't going to tell that to the man he had an alliance himself with once before.

But he did plan on ending the fight between the two, though.


"How's your phone?" A girl asked.

"Still no reception," another girl answered.

"Me neither..." The first girl pouted.

"Don't use yours too much, Keiko. It'd be bad if both of our phones ran out of juice," the second girl points out.

"True..." Keiko agreed.

"But...I don't think we need to worry anymore."


Keiko turned toward her friend in confusion.

"We have the megaphone guy."

"Oh right, that g–"

Before the conversation could even finish, the girls and other survivors were killed due to Sukuna's domain expansion reaching them.


Multiple slashes appeared on Mahoraga's figure which sent blood flying as it was attacked in every direction.

A loud explosion followed after which destroyed the nearby buildings.

The only way to defeat to slaughter it with a new attack before it can adapt.

Cleave fits the criteria, however...if it hasn't adapted dismantle...but to slashing attacks in general, then...

A growl-like groan left Mahoraga's lips as its body slowly healed.

(Y/n) stepped up to Mahoraga and crouched before it.

"Hm..." He mumbled before releasing a sigh from his lips.

The (H/c)-haired male lifted a hand and snapped his pointer finger and thumb together.

Blue flames flickered to life and swallowed Mahoraga's injured form whole.

A loud explosion followed not long after the teenager's attack he had set on the shikigami.

The flames flickering reflected on (Y/n)'s as he watched the ritual summoning finish before his and Sukuna's eyes.

Sukuna gave an amused look at the (E/c)-eyed male as he approached the male.

"Not even half? You could've easily obliterated Shibuya," Sukuna says.

(Y/n) got back up onto his feet and turned to face the male while picking up the eight-handled wheel, walking past the King of Curses and in Haruta's direction.

Haruta stood in shock at what he had just seen.

The (H/c)-haired sorcerer tossed the wheel and the item landed on the ground behind the blonde-haired male.

Sukuna followed after his fox, an idea coming to mind.

"What're you looking at? Be gone," Sukuna ordered.

Haruta gave a relieved look as he started to run. "I... I'll be on my way! I'm outta here!" He exclaimed.

'I survived again! My luck never runs out!' Haruta thought in relief.

"Once again, I see another day!! Huh?" Haruta paused his running as his body became sliced in half.

The sound of Haruta's body falling to the ground was heard.

'Not much longer...' Sukuna thought as he swiped his hands together.


Shoko and Masamichi took notice of Megumi's figure near them.

"Fushiguro!" Masamichi shouted.

'I thought I saw Itadori for a second... Or was it Sukuna?!' The man wondered.


"Oh, before I switch with him..." Sukuna turned toward (Y/n) and pulled the male's mask to the side so that he could stare into the (H/c)-haired male's eyes for a moment or two.

(Y/n) took a step back but Sukuna pulled him closer and the two had their lips pressed against one another.

The male's eyes widened in surprise but quickly pulled away and covered his lips with the back of his closed fist.

Sukuna smirked before turning away so that he could have Itadori see the damage that had been done to Shibuya.

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