Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 8

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"Yeah, I understand... I understand that you're incredibly annoying!" Nobara exclaimed before running forward.

Momo sends another wind attack that was manifested with cursed energy at Nobara to keep her away.

Nobara crossed her arms over her face and landed on her feet instead of being knocked over as Momo hoped.

'Even though she's just a first-year, she's used to fighting! No matter how many times I knock her down, she gets right back up.' Momo thought, annoyed.

A smile could be seen on Nobara's lips. 'I've gotten used to being tossed around!' She mused, remembering all the training she went through with Panda of being thrown around.

'I might end up killing her if I increase power...but that's really just an excuse. The real reason I can't get closer is...Inumaki!' Momo stared down at Nobara with furrowed brows.

The Kyoto students didn't know much of (Y/n) since they'd never seen him fight, but didn't expect much from him since he's a second-year that was transferred a few months ago.

"Cursed speech is words with spirit. Essentially, it's infusing sound with cursed energy. Use cursed energy to protect yourself, starting from the ear and moving to the brain. Cursed speech is a cursed technique that works especially well against cursed spirits. Like I said, it's not too scary for a jujutsu sorcerer if they know it's coming," Noritoshi explains.

"Are you done... Lecturing me?!" Nobara shouts as she sends an attack with nails covered with cursed energy straight at Momo.

Momo casually dodged the attack.

"What's expected of Mai...isn't just perfection. As one of the three jujutsu sorcerer family lines...perfection is the norm...for the Zen'in family. Inheriting the Zen'in family cursed techniques is reserved for the privileged. Every other jujutsu sorcerer starts at a level much further below. And even within their family, some women aren't treated equally. They say that if you're not a member of the Zen'in family, you're not worthy as a jujutsu sorcerer. And if you're not a jujutsu sorcerer, you're not worthy as a human being. Imagine spending your entire life serving a family bereft of love. Being despised. Can you imagine the pain she and Mai go through...just to enjoy the life we take for granted? Can someone who thinks that curse Yuji is an ally really understand?" Momo lectures.

"Shut up!" Nobara shouts.

"Does that mean we have to forgive the unfortunate no matter the circumstances? And if someone is blessed with a fortunate life, do they deserve to be ridiculed? It doesn't matter how she was brought up... I don't like her. And even though they grew up together...I really like Maki. Have any of you ever considered the person...behind the curse you've condemned?"

Nobara lifts her right hand, placing two fingers down against the palm of her hand, and keeping her thumb, pointer, and middle finger pointing upward.

"What do I care about whether someone's perfect or if something's fair? Is your life just a job?!"

The pins that were stuck in the tree bark beside Momo exploded, which caused the tree to lean in Momo's direction with loud cracks being heard.

'Is this why she kept throwing nails even when she was missing?!' Momo thought in surprise.

"Tch!" Momo zoomed by just to get surprised when she saw Nobara reach out toward her and her broom.

Nobara snatches a bristle from Momo's broom before she is kicked away.

The said female attaches the bristle to the straw doll that she had on her.

'Is that a bristle from my broom?! She must've grabbed it just now!' Momo stared at Nobara with wide eyes.

"Boys versus girls?! Give me a break! Just shut the hell up! I love dressing up and looking beautiful! I love being strong! I'm... NOBARA KUGISAKI!" Nobara slams the straw doll to the ground.

Momo jolted when she realized she could no longer control the broom that she was on.


Nobara darted in Momo's direction, switching her metal hammer into a squeaky toy she had on her.

Momo drops to the ground. "WHAT?!" She exclaimed. 'A squeaky–'

Nobara hits the toy hammer across Momo's face.

'One more!'

Before Nobara could get another hit in, something hits her temple which causes her to drop unconscious.


From a certain distance, a smirking Mai could be seen.

"Just within range... I'm so happy it hit its mark," she chuckled.

Mai then rings up Momo's phone.

"Hello? Momo? Don't worry, it's a rubber bullet. By the way, that light earlier was ultimate cannon, right? But Mechamaru isn't answering. It's not a good sign if he was forced to use his finishing move and this is the end result. Panda will probably be back. Get away from there and support us from above. I need you," Mai says.

"Okay. Mai... I..." Momo murmured.

"Don't worry, Momo... I know," Mai reassured.


Mai then ends the call between her and Momo.

"Are you don't need to call for reinforcements? I'm good even if it's two-on-one," Maki grins.

"There are lots of ways to enjoy this, you know?"

Mai slowly gets up onto her feet and points her gun straight at Maki, "Instead of everyone ganging up on you...I want you...all to myself!"

"How 'bout calling me big sis...little sis?!"

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