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"Are we in your way, Nanamin? Take us with you next time," Itadori says as he, Nanami, and (Y/n) stand in a hallway. "My friend died, but I wasn't there...because I am a child.". I wouldn't do that to you. That said..."

"The answer's no. As you both know, the enemy manipulated transfigured humans. Some people really are rotten. As long as you're both in this line of work, you'll be put in situations where you both may have to kill someone. But that time is not now. Please understand. Being a child is not a bad thing," Nanami replied.

Itadori stares down at the floor in front of him with a frown on his lips.

(Y/n) listened quietly to the conversation, rolling a sucker in between his lips, the hard candy banging against his clenched teeth now and then.

"For now...please continue to monitor Junpei Yoshino," Nanami says, ending the conversation between him and Itadori.


Junpei quietly walks up a staircase while remembering the conversation he had with Mahito.

"This is a cursed object...which attracts objects," Mahito explained as he held the grotesque finger in his hand.

"Why?! What is it doing in my home?!" Junpei asks as he stares at the object with a horrified and tearful look as he leans against Mahito's figure.

"There are curse users who curse people for the sake of money. It was probably someone like that. With the right connections and money, anyone can easily kill someone with a curse. Can you think of anyone? Perhaps who resents you or your mother. Someone with plenty of money and time on their hands?" Mahito asks.


"Welcome to the awards ceremony...for Top Honors in...the national essay contest!" The announcer exclaimed. "Shota Ito."

A male in a high school uniform walks up with a bashful look.

"Heh heh... This is kinda embarrassing," the male says while rubbing the back of his head.

"Shota!" A girl from the crowd yells.

This causes the said male to look over.

Multiple girls squealed as the male student waved at them.

Shota then headed back in line with the other contestants.

The said student stands beside another male, sending a message toward him with a smirk.


"Shota's so cool," a male student from the crowd says.

"Really? He's okay for a rich kid, I guess," a female student replied.

Suddenly, something dark captured the duo's attention.

"What's that?"



"Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure," Mahito says, watching as a curtain starts dropping down from above. "Hey... I got it. I got it," Mahito claimed.

"Sorry, Mahito. I can't afford to leave my residuals behind. How's the curtain coming along?" Geto asks.

Mahito smirks. "Can't get in. Can get out. This only applies to humans with weak cursed energy," he replied.

"A curtain without prior announcement will certainly be reported by the windows immediately. I hope you get what you want," Geto states.

"It should be okay. The moment Junpei met with Sukuna's vessel and the Nine-tailed fox, the plan was set in motion. We'll make them fight...and force Yuji Itadori to make a binding vow in Sukuna's favor," Mahito said. "Oh, and to get the nine tails to fight!" He adds.

"I wish Jogo were as level-headed as you," Geto sighed.

"He's honest and cute in his own way! But, was that okay? That a precious cursed object, right?" Mahito asks.

Geto smirks a little. "It's all right. The finger at the detention center was consumed immediately by Yuji I'd like the finger left at Junpei Yoshino's house to be retrieved by Jujutsu High," he answered.

"Gonna cause some trouble?"

"Yup. I'm gonna go take it easy now."

"You should stay. It should be fun to watch...the deaths...of foolish children."


Many teenagers were currently collapsed inside of the building with no intention of getting up.

"Hey! What's wrong with everyone?! Are you okay?! Hang in there!"

"They won't die," Junpei says as he loomed over his teacher's figure.

"Yoshino... Why...? No... Do you know what's happening here?"

"Teacher... Please remember..." Junpei trails off before lifting his fringe.

"You! That scar!"

"...Everything that well as what's about to happen," Junpei finished as he started to walk off.

"Yoshino..." Shota trails off.

"I have some questions for you," Junpei says as he makes eye contact with the male on stage. "Are you the one who...put that thing in my house?" He asks.

"Huh? What're you talking abo–" Shota looks down at his arm and notices black splotches going up his arm and to his face. "What'd you do?!"

"Excuse me?" Junpei punches Shota in the face, sending the said male falling to the wooden stage floor. "You seem to think you're in a position to answer a question with a question."

Junpei kicks Shota, causing the male to cough and gasp out in pain.

"You're gonna die no matter what you say. I have no way to tell whether you're lying. But you deserve this for everything you've done."

Junpei swiped his hand upward, causing Shota to levitate in the air.

"At least show some dignity in your last moments," Junpei says coldly.

"I'm...sorry," Shota painfully croaks out.

"And? So what?"

A loud slam was heard.

Itadori's eyes widened at the scene before him.

"WHAT'RE YOU DOING...JUNPEI?!" Itadori hollers.

Junpei looks at Itadori in the corner of his eyes. "Stay out of this... Jujutsu sorcerer," he says.


(Y/n) stood on a nearby roof holding a phone up against his ear while staring down at the detention center.

"How much..." He trails off while stuffing his hand into his pocket. " I allowed?"

The person on the other side laughed.

"Use just enough you think is needed," the other answered.

A smirk crawled onto (Y/n)'s lips, showing his sharp canines.


(Y/n) pulls the phone away from his ear, and ends the call before stuffing it into his pocket.

"A little mischief never hurts anyone..."

"...has it?"

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