A Sinful Punishment

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"Hah?" (Y/n) breathed out under his breath when he saw a male with spikey raven-haired locks and a set of green eyes could be seen as the two of them stood across from each other with a smiling Gojo off to the side.

The cursed spirit raised a single brow at the male before turning his attention over to Gojo who seemed proud of something.

"(Y/n), this is Megumi Fushiguro. Megumi, this is (Y/n) (L/n)!" Gojo introduced gleefully.

Megumi released a tired sigh from his lips, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I'm...guessing you're one of the first years this idiot told me about?" (Y/n) asked, looking back at Megumi.

Megumi hummed lowly, nodding his head. "And you must be my upperclassman," he replied.

The (H/c)-haired male chuckled, nodding his head.

Gojo decided to be dramatic and threw both of his arms over the males' shoulders, drawing them into a hug.

"Oh, don't be so down you two!" Gojo exclaimed.

The two males scoffed and turned their attention away from the sorcerer who just laughed in amusement.

Dropping his arms, Gojo stood in front of the two males with a mischievous smile on his lips.

(Y/n) decided to blank out the rest of the conversation in front of him, not bothering to listen to what was happening.

However, he might've captured a few snippets of the conversation here and there.

Megumi was going to be sent out on a mission to a Junior High School in Sendai looking for a special-grade cursed object which is one out of the many fingers that belong to Sukuna Ryomen; the King of Curses.

"Oh, also! Our dear (Y/n) here is going to be joining you, Megumi!" Gojo boasted, snapping the named cursed spirit out of his blank state.

"What?" (Y/n) bluntly asked, "Did I hear right? Did you just say I'm going with Megumi to find Sukuna's finger?" He added, disbelief appearing on his face.

Megumi nodded his head, already used to Gojo's antics.

"Why of course! It should be easy. Just grab and go," Gojo replied.

(Y/n) deadpanned at that. "That's what they all say," he grumbled.

He then sighed in defeat. "When do we leave?" (Y/n) questioned, crossing his arms over his chest as he peered at Gojo's figure with an annoyed look.

Gojo hummed as he brought a hand up to his chin to pretend that he was thinking.

"Hm, the higher-ups want this mission to finish as quickly as possible, but... You guys can leave tomorrow morning!" Gojo cheerfully answered.

'This bitch...' (Y/n) thought, disturbed by Gojo's figure and personality.

"Originally, Megumi was going to be the only one heading there, but I decided I'm going to be sending you there with him!"

Megumi and (Y/n) shared a look, showing how tired they both were with Gojo's antics.

Gojo didn't seem to notice this as he blabbered on about the mission and the higher-ups.

(Y/n) sighed quietly and stuffed his hands into his pockets, drooping his head toward the ground.

'Sukuna, huh? It's been a while since I've seen that asshole.' The (H/c)-haired male thought, trying to remember the last time he saw the man. 'Kinda sounds like they're trying to grab all twenty of the fingers for some reason.' He mused.

A tap on the shoulder made (Y/n) lift his head, and noticed that it was Megumi with Gojo nowhere in sight.

"Where'd Gojo go?" (Y/n) asked, looking down at the slightly shorter male in front of him.

"Headed off. Said something about speaking to the higher-ups," Megumi simply answered.

(Y/n) nodded his head in understanding.

Megumi eyed the slightly taller male in front of him, taking in (Y/n)'s figure.

(Y/n)'s tall stature seemed to be between 6'0 and 6'2, making him a few inches shorter than Gojo. The Jujutsu High School uniform clung to his figure and hid whatever sort of form he was hiding underneath it, but Megumi was able to take notice of some muscle.

His (E/c) hues were bright and sharp as if they held many dark secrets of the world with much wisdom that swam in them.

Strands of (H/c) locks were brushed backward and decked up into (H/s) to try and keep the bangs out of the way.

All in all, Megumi had to confirm that (Y/n) was a good-looking male.

(Y/n) blinked as he watched the quiet and stoic Megumi become a flustered mess as if some thought came to mind.

'Fuck. Okay, so... how many people have fallen for me now without even doing anything? Uh... we have Sukuna, Gojo, and now Megumi. That's three. Why the hell does it feel like I'm going to be getting more later down the road?' (Y/n) mused, mentally shivering at the thought.

A defeated sigh then left the cursed spirit's lips. 'Looks like my punishment for my sins is having multiple people fall in love with me... Why couldn't it be something else!?' He mentally cried.

Seeing the awkwardness, (Y/n) cleared his throat which caused Megumi to snap out with whatever he was thinking about.

"Well, I guess we'll be seeing each other in the morning?" (Y/n) asked, sweatdropping as he watched Megumi become stoic once more.

Megumi hummed. "Yeah," he agreed.

"Um... I'll see you tomorrow morning, then. See you later, Megumi," (Y/n) says before waving at the raven-haired male and walking off.

'Phew... That was awkward as hell.' (Y/n) sighed out in relief.


(Y/n) was currently lying in his dorm room on his bed, playing quietly with a wisp of blue fire on the tips of his fingers.

"Sukuna Ryomen... Satoru Gojo... Megumi Fushiguro..." He whispered under his breath.

(Y/n) extended his hand out, allowing a bigger wisp of blue fire to appear on the palm of his hand.

"Those three are the start of my punishment... just who else does the world believe should be joining in?" The flame extinguishes when (Y/n) closes his hand around the wisp as a scoff leaves his lips.

"Only time will tell who these others are. Let's just wait and see, shall we?"

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