The Shibuya Incident, Part 2

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Gojo's attention was brought upward when he realized that the place he had entered was now blocked off, stopping any sort of escape from happening.

A sigh escaped the male's lips. "Don't bother. I'm not going anywhere. If I run're just gonna kill everyone here, right? Well?" Gojo asked as a small smirk showed up on his lips.

"What are those two talking about?" A standby asked.

"Don't you mean four?" Another questioned.

Jogo grinned. "If you run away? We're going to do that..." He replied.

All of a sudden, some of those who were trapped down here with Gojo came stumbling out from the gates that had held them back, falling onto the train tracks.



"...Even if you... Don't!" Jogo exclaimed with a crazed look in his eye.

Panic looks were seen on the women's and men's faces as they fell forward.

"Get outta the way, or you'll die," Gojo says as he pushes a man off toward the side after placing a hand on his shoulder.

'Hm... They blocked the exits to create a blind spot. I can't tell if there are people on the other side.' Gojo thought as he took in the situation that was happening in front of him.

Suddenly, multiple attacks of blood were sent at those who were trapped down there.

Jogo ran straight at Gojo with the intent to keep in the perimeter.

Hanami was covered in cursed energy as he also ran forward.

"Blood Manipulation..." Choso muttered lowly.

The top parts of people's heads were sliced off in one clean sweep without the victims even realizing what had hit them.

Hanami appeared right in front of Gojo while Jogo appeared behind the white-haired sorcerer.

The two cursed spirits were stopped in the middle of their attack thanks to Gojo's Infinity stopping them.

Wide smiles were seen on Hanami and Jogo's faces.

"Domain... Amplification!!" Jogo exclaimed loudly.

Both Hanami and Jogo's fists slowly moved closer to Gojo's face until the said man dodged it by heading upward.

"So that's the plan, huh? I should've figured, considering you're working with a curse user," Gojo states.

'Domain Amplification looks like it's the same as New Shadows simple domain. If you think of barrier techniques as boxes or prisons that trap their targets...then Domain Amplification would be as if you're being surrounded by water. Maybe it's similar to the feeling when you initially push back against a domain. The chances of an attack missing will increase, but it will always neutralize the technique. With this method, I'm now vulnerable to their attacks.' Gojo thought.

"Do you know when Satoru most in his element?" Geto asks as he messes with a small bottle of bubbles.

"Enough with the chitchat. Just tell me," Jogo replied.

"It's...when he's alone," Geto states as he blows out a bubble. "It doesn't matter who the sorcerer is. Anyone who fights alongside him just gets in the way. So let's use the even-more-inferior non-sorcerers to restrict his movements. Cursed Technique Reversal outputs at least twice as much as Cursed Technology Lapse. It's almost impossible for there to be no collateral damage to non-sorcerers. It'll also be hard for him to use his Blue Technique at a level that is effective against you. Using blue for its high speed is difficult too. For non-sorcerers, it would be like dumping energy on them. They would die instantly if it touched them. Considering all this, Satoru Gojo will have to take a defensive stance," he explained.

"What do we do about his unlimited void?" Jogo asked.

"Satoru Gojo's Unlimited Void Domain probably doesn't affect...him or anyone he's touching. Let's suppose he's skilled enough to allow only you guys inside. There'll be a significant number of non-sorcerers who will get crushed between Unlimited Void and the curtain. I'm 99 percent sure Satoru Gojo won't use Domain Expansion. That said, you guys can't use Domain Expansion either. If you trap a lot of non-sorcerers inside your'll give him no choice but to cast one as well. In a domain battle, you know who would win, right?"

Geto then turned his head over at Jogo after watching Hanami and Mahito play with bubbles not too far ahead of them.

"Just make sure he focuses on you...curse countermeasures and how to save the non-sorcerers. I need at least 20 minutes. After that, you can leave the rest to me and Prison Realm."

"What the...?"


"We can't get by!"

"I thought we running away. You need more convincing?" Jogo scowled before swiping off the man's head from his shoulders.

"Well, I'm surprised... What? You making excuses?" Jogo asked as he set the man's head on fire.

"Nah, baldy. I'm surprised you could beat me..." Gojo coldly replied as he pulled down the blindfold and brought it down around his neck. "...using your sorry excuse for a brain!"

Jogo felt a cold sweat roll down the side of his face realizing that he and the others had pissed off the male.

"Hey, Weed," Gojo pointed a finger gun in Hanami's direction. "This is our third meeting, right? And you still haven't learned! You're going down first!" He declared.

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