The Shibuya Incident, Part 39

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Itadori darted forward, heading in Mahito's direction just to have a transfigured human get sent in his direction.

The transfigured humans cried out for help as Itadori slid underneath it and Mahito stepped on it to push it into the teenager's direction.

The pink-haired boy quickly got out of the way and kept running at Mahito with a glare on his face which widened when he realized that Mahito wasn't in front of him.

Mahito now stood behind the boy, twisting multiple transfigured humans in between his hands.

"Soul multiplicity... Body repel!!" Mahito exclaimed.

The transfigured humans grew and attacked Itadori, its teeth bared.

Itadori quickly grabbed it by the upper and bottom teeth before it could bite down on him.

The teenager dug his feet into the ground as the attack pushed him backward just for his eyes to widen when he saw Mahito in the tranfigure's mouth.

"Boo!" Mahito says before punching Itadori in the face.

This made Itadori release his hold on the teeth and hit the ground behind him.

"Had I put my back into it a little more...I could've split your skull," Mahito says as he steps out of the mouth of his creation.

Itadori slowly got up onto his feet, blood dripping down his face from an open wound that went diagonal.

The transfigured human released a pitiful cry.

"How can you...? So often... And with so many people! How can you play with so many people's lives?!" Itadori asked.

Laughter left Mahito's lips. "Kah hah hah! Would you prefer that I contemplate my reasons with a remorseful look the next time I kill someone? I'll be sure to do that, 'kay? Here's a simple answer since you're such a simple guy...Yuji Itadori! You are me," he coldly says.

"What the hell?" Itadori muttered.

"Yeesh... No need to get so upset every time. 'Tis just a curse spouting nonsense. But you know what? Until you accept that fact...there's no way you'll ever beat me," Mahito states as he presses a hand against his chest.

Itadori released an irritated breath from his nose. "All that blabbering..." He trails off, pushing his hair backward with a hand. "You really don't stop talking. I'll make sure those are your dying words!" He exclaimed.

"You've got it from here."

Nanami's words rang in Itadori's mind as he narrowed his eyes at Mahito.

'Nanamin... Nanamin wouldn't lose his cool. Prove to him that...' Itadori thought.

"...You are..."

'...I am...a jujutsu sorcerer!' Itadori finished off thinking as he shifted into a fighting stance, cursed energy covering both of his hands.

A cold smirk made its way onto Mahito's lips as cursed energy covered his fists.

'Idle transfiguration doesn't work on Itadori. Increasing my size by manipulating my soul would just make me a bigger target. That might as well be suicide. I'll stick with manipulating limbs, which shouldn't be a problem to sacrifice just like a moment ago. "I need to focus on concentrating my body's form to maintain toughness" what Itadori must be thinking. He's planning to predict my movements by reading the flow of cursed energy.' Mahito thought.

Itadori had yet to move as he continued to stare at Mahito without a single emotion being seen on his face.

'I won't...change my soul's shape.'

Mahito poked his tongue out from the corner of his lips, currently amused about what was going on right now.

'Maximum strength! Maintain this form! And with a pure, reinforcement hit of cursed energy...I'll stab...Itadori's heart!' Mahito mused as he sent a punch in Itadori's direction.

Itadori and Mahito stared at each other, not saying a single word to each other.

Suddenly, Mahito's eyes widened when he felt his fist only pierce through the air that was in front of him.

Itadori had dropped to his feet before Mahito would be able to hit him.

He was using his left hand and foot to keep him from falling from the ground.

His right hand was lifted to keep him balanced as he swung his right foot upward.

As Itadori brought his kick up closer to Mahito's face, he placed his right hand on the ground and elevated himself even more while bending his elbows a little so that he wouldn't end up falling over and injuring himself.

The kick lands on Mahito's face which makes him start falling backward.

Once Itadori was on the floor, he quickly got up onto his feet and sent a kick straight into Mahito's abdomen.

Mahito choked out blood as his upper body lurched forward thanks to the strength of Itadori's kick.

Itadori took notice of Mahito sending an attack in his direction but he quickly dodged out of the way before it could hit him.

A giant crack appeared on the floor behind Itadori indicating where the attack from Mahito had landed at.

"Not bad. Let's move on to..." Mahito begins, trailing off his sentence. "...the second round!"

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