The Shibuya Incident, Part 22

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Mirai lifted their hands close to their face as they stared angrily at (Y/n)'s figure that stood across from them.

"Domain Expansion: Mirror Maze," Mirai says.

A giant veil of mirrors surrounded the duo and shifted into a giant mirror-like maze.

"Try to escape, fox! I doubt you can," Mirai scowled as they stepped into a nearby mirror which caused the reflection to waver when they did that.

(Y/n) looked over at the mirrors that surrounded him, watching as Mirai circled him from inside the mirrors.

Mirai came to a stop and stood near the (H/c)-haired male with a grin on their lips.

"So, how do you like it? Quite neat, isn't it?" Mirai asked.

The (H/c)-haired curse rolled his eyes, watching Mirai closely as they started to disappear and reappear in the mirrors that surrounded him.

"My sibling and I were created by the people's hatred of looking at one's self in a mirror. And to be quite frank, it's amusing."

Mirai's voice started to echo in the domain expansion.

(Y/n) did his best to hold back an eye-roll seeing as Mirai was starting to get annoying.

"You see. In my domain, I can easily bend the will of how you see yourself and send it as a body double. And it's quite tricky to escape it seeing as nobody has ever been able to make it out alive!" They exclaimed.

"Is that so?" (Y/n) muttered as he walked up to one of the mirrors that surrounded him while Mirai continued to talk, not realizing what he was doing.

As Mirai continued to blabber on about their domain, (Y/n) placed his hand on the mirror he stood in front of.

'Ah... So it's a one-way deal. Only one person is allowed into the mirrors while the victim is trapped in the middle until they're killed.' The male realized.

A chuckle left his lips which caught Mirai's attention.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" Mirai rudely asked.

(Y/n) turned to face Mirai, a smirk appearing on his lips.

"Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it."


"What's going on?!" Kokichi asks.

"Mechamaru! Where the hell were you this whole time?!" Itadori exclaimed.

"Conserving energy! There's still something I need to do!" Mechamaru replied.

Choso stared at Itadori and the miniature Mechamaru in confusion.

"Choso! Blood manipulation!" Kokichi immediately says when he sees who Itadori is up against.

"You know it?!" Itadori asks.

"Kamo uses the same cursed technique," Kokichi explains.

"The third-year with the narrow eyes? Then that means..." Itadori trailed off.

"I don't know its weakness," Kokichi began.

"Huh?!" Itadori exclaimed in disbelief.

"Blood manipulation is one of the treasured cursed techniques passed down through the Kamo family line. Whether it's for close-, mid-, or long-range combat, it's prized for its overall balance. And Choso won't suffer from blood loss, meaning he effectively has no weaknesses," Kokichi explained.

Itadori stared at Choso in annoyance. "Well thanks for the!" He exclaimed in surprise as he quickly dodged an incoming attack which snagged him anyway.

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