What If

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Itadori takes notice of Mahito. "Who are you?" He asks.

'A human? No, something feels strange.' Itadori thought as he and Junpei watched Mahito walk down the staircase.

"I guess it's nice to meet you...Sukuna's vessel," Mahito greets as he transfigures his arm.

"Wait, Mahito!" Junpei shouts just to be ignored as Itadori's figure disappears from beside him.

Itadori gets slammed up against a wall that was behind him.

'I'm such an idiot! It's like the humanlike cursed spirit with the patchwork face... Exactly like Nanamin described!!' Itadori realized.

"Junpei! Run!! I don't know how you know this guy...but just run away! Please!" Itadori shouts.

"Don't worry, Itadori! Mahito isn't a bad per–" Junpei tries to reply but becomes choked up as Mahito places a hand on his shoulder.

"Junpei, you're a pretty smart guy. But you overthink things when you should act, which puts you in some pretty bad spots. This is a perfect example! Junpei, all those people you think are stupid... Well, guess what? You're just as stupid as they are," Mahito says into Junpei's ear.

As Mahito was about to transfigure Junpei, blazing blue flames were sent in Mahito's direction, causing the said male to separate from Junpei.

A paper seal torn in half floated downward and could be seen leaving Junpei's shaking hands.

Taking notice of the blue flames, a wide grin appeared on Mahito's lips as he turned toward the culprit.

"Ah! There's our darling nine-tailed fox!" Mahito shouts.

Itadori and Junpei watched as (Y/n) showed himself from the smoke that was left behind from his attack.

(Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck, an amused smile being seen on his lips. "Aww, so close~," he says.

"Nine-tailed...fox...?" Itadori whispered.

Inside his mind, Sukuna went silent when he realized that (Y/n) could be the cursed spirit he was after.

"But not close enough," (Y/n) whispered into Mahito's ear – whose eyes had widened at the unexpected closeness.

Itadori and Junpei were speechless as Mahito was sent flying backward into the staircase thanks to a kick in the chest.

Mahito lands on one of the stairs, a smirk being seen on his lips.

A grin appeared on (Y/n)'s lips which caused Mahito, Itadori, and Junpei to freeze up when they all saw how cold it was.

"I'm not allowed to use too much, but using this much should be enough..." (Y/n) grasps Mahito's throat, his (H/c) strands covering his (E/c) hues that seemed to glow thanks to the shadows.


(Y/n) then ducks, releasing his hold on Mahito as an incoming punch from Itadori was sent.

This causes Mahito to fly backward even more, causing his blood to drip down his nose.

Junpei stood there frozen in shock, not knowing what to do.

Mahito stares down at Itadori and (Y/n) from where he stands.

'What's going on?! Did he somehow hit my soul? Yuji Itadori is a vessel. Another soul dwells in his body, so he naturally... While (Y/n) (L/n) is the nine-tailed fox hiding as a human... It'll be scary and hard to fight him at his full strength which is probably why he compromised to not go all out...'

'...because he'll have no problem destroying this whole area.'

"...has learned how to perceive..." Mahito trails off. '...The contours...of the soul!'

"I'm gonna kill you!" Itadori declared.

"Don't you mean "exorcise"... Jujutsu sorcerer?!" Mahito replies.

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