The Shibuya Incident, Part 28

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Nanami, Megumi, Maki, and Naobito watched as a man appeared through the opening that Megumi made.

'Who is this...?!' Megumi wondered.

'A human... A jujutsu sorcerer?!'

'They weren't trying to escape... Were they trying to let another sorcerer in?!' Dagon wondered.

Toji appeared before Maki and grabbed onto the weapon she was holding.

Naobito stared at the man who appeared with a face of recognition and surprise.

'So fast! And he was in midair just now! And that's not all... What's with...his strength?!' Maki thought as her eyes widened.

Toji was able to snatch the weapon and make his way to Dagon.


Maki stared at the man who snatched her weapon with a shocked look on her face.

'I didn't sense any cursed energy! Did I just lose in a battle of strength? Me?!' She thought in disbelief.

"Fushiguro," Nanami spoke up.

"No good. The hole's closed. And it knows our plan now too. I doubt it'll let us open another one that easily," Megumi says.

Naobito watched as the man walked by him. "Toji?!" He exclaimed.

The sclera of Toji's eyes was black, the only thing noticeable was the green eyes he had.

Naobito stared at Toji in shock as the said man got into a fighting stance with the weapon he had snatched from Maki.

'What is this guy...? He has no cursed energy?' Dagon mused.

"A waste of time," the cursed womb states as he sends a shikigami in Toji's direction.

Toji stayed still as the shikigami rushed at him, just for it to be easily destroyed.

Dagon's eyes widened at this just for Toji to immediately swing at him not even a second later.

Violet blood went flying as Dagon was thrown backward.

A crazed grin was seen on Toji's lips as he kept his attention on Dagon's figure.

'What?! What is that power?!' Dagon wondered as he sent piranha-like shikigami at Toji.

Toji rushed forward, swinging the weapon back and forth in a singular smooth movement as he took down the shikigami that was sent at him.

'He's running on water like it's normal! I still don't sense any cursed energy!! But still... He keeps getting faster!' Dagon watched as his piranha-like shikigami got taken down easily.

Toji even bit down on one of the shikigami just to spit it out with a wide smirk.

Dagon quickly summoned two isopod-like shikigami that appeared behind Toji's figure.

'These are the hardest and most powerful shikigami yet!' Dagon mentally declared.

The two shikigami rushed forward, but Toji was able to get underneath them and slice them down before the two isopod-like shikigami could attack him.

Toji turned his attention toward Dagon, an indifferent look on his face as he stared down the cursed womb.

A loud splash was heard as Toji sent Dagon into the water with an attack from the weapon he held, Playful Cloud, a weapon that didn't have a cursed technique imbued in it.

So the weapon was solely based on the user's pure and solid power.

Maki watched Toji and Dagon fight with a surprised look on her face

"Hey, geezer. Who the hell is that?" Maki asks.

"Hmph... A ghost," Naobito answers.

"Fushiguro, are you good for a little longer?" Nanami asks.

"Yes..." Megumi replied.

"My apologies," Nanami apologized. "We're going to have to bet on him," he says.

Toji grinned as he started rubbing Playful Cloud together.

'What the–?!' Maki thought as she covered her ears.

'He's rubbing Playful Cloud together...' Megumi trailed off.

'Contorting and...sharpening it!'

A severely injured Dagon could be seen still standing, watching as Toji sharpened the ends of Playful Cloud.

'Is it really possible for me to...lose? And to a human without cursed energy?! No! I can feel the boy's domain getting weaker. As long as I can regain my domain's can't-miss attack, I can kill them all! I have time!' Dagon thought as he jumped into the air.

"Oh, that's right. You can levitate," Naobito says which makes Dagon widen his eyes. "Do I need to repeat myself?" He asks as he stands on Dagon's upper back to push the cursed womb back toward the ground.

The sound of metal hitting together was heard as Toji sent himself flying into the air with the help of Playful Cloud just to stab Dagon through the face which excited through the back of the head.


Mirai gulped quietly, licking their lips out of nervousness as they noticed something or someone appeared beside (Y/n)'s figure for a moment.

It looked like a young girl who had waist-length hair and was wearing a red and white shrine maiden outfit.

But the two– well, three things that captured their attention... Was a pair of amber eyes, a pair of fox ears, and nine-tails that swayed behind her.

The one that owned them stared at Mirai with a look of disinterest before disappearing.

A sigh escaped (Y/n)'s lips which made Mirai snap their eyes in his direction just to freeze when they saw how close he had gotten to them.

Suddenly, a blast of blue flames hit Mirai in the abdomen which sent them flying into multiple buildings.

The cursed spirit choked on their blood as it dripped down their chin.

"This is boring... Let's end this quickly," (Y/n) yawned.

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