Hidden Inventory, Part 9

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"The Tombs of the Star and the cursed warehouse are Barrie's for hiding. You can't leave guards at the entrance. So as long as you know where the entrance is located, there should be no problems finding it. Jujutsu sorcerers are busy around this time of year. Plus, fly heads have infested the school and things are hectic outside. As someone who possesses no cursed energy, I'm the invisible man. But there is one problem... As soon as I hold a cursed tool, the cursed energy from it...means I am no longer invisible," Toji grins as he points his gun at Geto and the cursed spirit beside him.

"Whoa, slow down."

Toji pulled the trigger which Geto blocked the bullets by summoning an octopus cursed spirit.

The dragon cursed spirit goes after Toji just to crash straight into a nearby wall.

Toji dropped the gun he had in his hand to the ground.

"Let me continue. You see, I've got this cursed spirit that can store objects. I use it to carry my cursed tools. Now that I know what you're thinking... Shouldn't the cursed energy...from the spirit make him visible?!" Toji spits out a small object from his mouth. "The spirit shrinks by storing itself within its own body. Then I ingest it and keep it inside my stomach. An invisible man's gonna have invisible guts, right? That's why I can move through barriers while carrying cursed tools! And that's why I didn't use a cursed tool at first. I need to stay invisible if I'm gonna pull off a surprise attack on the six eyes. I could have started with the star plasma vessel. But it's risky to reveal myself to the six eyes," Toji states.

"Shut up!" Geto replied. "It's heavenly restriction, right?! Like us, revealing certain information...can actually give you an advantage. I get that. That's not what I want to know. How did you know about the entrance into the tombs? We made sure to not leave any residuals behind," Geto states.

"Humans leave behind more than just cursed energy, remember? Odor and footprints, for example. My five senses are sharp thanks to my lack of cursed energy," Toji casually explains.

"There should've been one more lady along the way. Where is she?" Geto asks.

"Huh? Oh, you mean the maid? Probably dead. I didn't really care if she survived or not. If she's lucky, she's alive," Toji answers.

"I see. That settles it. Die!" Geto replied.

The dragon darted straight at Toji just to be sliced open easily.

Violet blood went flying everywhere as Toji had a crazed grin on his lips.

Geto's eyes widened a bit in surprise as he darted off to the side when he saw his cursed spirit defeated so easily.

'He cut it open?! The rainbow dragon has the hardest skin of all my cursed spirits!' Geto thought.

'Curse manipulation...' Toji thought in amusement. "Just a bunch of rabble," he says.


Toji paused in what he was doing when he heard a voice behind him.

"Am... Am... Am I... Pretty?" The cursed spirit asks.

Toji looked over his shoulder. 'An imaginary vengeful spirit... An innate domain with a pact that cannot be broken until the question is answered.' Toji realized.

"Well... Let's see. You look interesting, but... You're not my type," Toji answered.

The cursed spirit slowly went toward Toji with a pair of scissors in its hand.

Blood started to drip down Toji's left ear.

"So, that's how it is."

Toji quickly destroys the multiple scissors that surround him, surprising the cursed spirit.

Geto comes up from behind and points the palm of his hand at Toji.

'Idiot... coming in close against me? You've got no chance.' Toji sighed heavily. "This is the end," he states.

"For you!" Geto added as he started to bring the cursed spirit around Toji's shoulders toward him.

Toji looked over at Geto in surprise.

'His ability may be special, but the cursed spirit itself is not that strong. I can take it! I've eliminated the weapons cache. Now I'll use physical...attacks!' All of a sudden, Geto's attack was repelled.

'What?! My attack was repelled?!' Geto's eyes widened.

The cursed spirit spits out a weapon.

Before anything could be said, blood went flying up into the air as Toji attacked him.

Geto was paralyzed with shock as he couldn't do anything about the next attack that sent him slamming to the ground.

Toji kicked Geto's severely injured and knocked out body across the ground.

"You're a sorcerer. You'll be fine. I would've killed ya if you were a shikigami user. But since you're a curse manipulator...I dunno what'll happen with the curses you've taken in if you die. I'd rather avoid the trouble for now. Be sure to thank your parents."

A lifeless Riko lay in the tombs, while a lifeless Gojo lay outside near the entrance.

"But you guys, with all your blessed talents...lost to a monkey like me who can't even use jujutsu. Don't you dare forget that if you wanna live a long life," Toji says as he places the blade near the cursed spirit's mouth so that it can swallow the weapon.

Realization seemed to appear on his face.

"Oh... I remember now. Megumi. The name means "blessings." And I'm the one who gave him that name," Toji states.


Outside of the tombs, Gojo's hand could be seen moving a little when there was nobody around to see.

The blood makes a small wave due to it.

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