A Dream

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"You know...I have a lousy personality..." Gojo says out of nowhere.

"I know," Ijichi replied.

"Ijichi, you're in for a serious face slap later. I'm just not the teacher type, so why would someone like me be at a place like Jujutsu High?" Gojo wonders.

"Why?" Ijichi nervously asks.

"I have a dream," Gojo answered.


"You look like you want to kill me," Sukuna says in amusement.

"I wonder why. You did just kill me," Itadori replied.

Sukuna sighed. "Aren't you forgetting to thank me for fixing your arm?" He asked.

"But you ripped out my heart after that!" Itadori shouts, ticked off. "Do I have to spend the afterlife with you too? Is this hell? If that's the case, then... I'll make you cry!" He then throws one of the many bones straight at Sukuna.

Sukuna stared at Itadori with an indifferent look before jumping out of the way with an amused smile on his lips.

His attention then toward Itadori, taking notice of how the said male was running at him.

"Better grit your teeth!"


Itadori ducks the incoming punch that Sukuna sends at him.

'Going for my footing, huh?' Sukuna thought, staring down at Itadori.

"Psych!" Itadori exclaimed.

Sukuna's eyes widened a bit as he watched Itadori send his foot up toward his face, but quickly moved out of the way.

"Huh?" Itadori stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"How boring," Sukuna says before using his foot to push Itadori off of the ribcage that they were both on.

"Ack!" Itadori cried out just to fall into the water below.

"Bah! I thought I had him," Itadori muttered, not noticing how Sukuna had followed him down until it was too late since his face was slammed into the blood.

"This world isn't what you think it is. This is my Innate Domain. Think of it as being "inside" the heart. In other words... we're...not dead... yet!" Sukuna exclaimed before looking down at Itadori - whom he was sitting on - and grinned. "If you accept my term...I'll fix your heart and revive you," he adds.

"Look at you. Talking all big, but you wanna live too, huh?" Itadori teased.

"The game has changed. Soon...we'll see something interesting," Sukuna says as Megumi and (Y/n) come across his mind. "I have two conditions. One, you agree to let me take over your body for one full minute when I chant "enchain". And two, you will forget about this agreement."

"No way. I'm not sure what you're after, but that's too fishy. I know for sure now. You're evil. I won't ever let you use my body again," Itadori replied.

"What if I promise I won't kill or hurt anyone during that minute? Will that do?" Sukuna asks as a sigh leaves his lips.

"Like I'd believe you!" Itadori shouts.

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