Watching Movies

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"Watching Movies?!" Itadori exclaimed in disbelief when he saw how many DVDs were on the coffee table that sat in front of the television.

"Yup. From the classics to niche horror films to tricky French films. Every waking moment, you're gonna watch movies. Of course, you won't be watching alone. You'll watch with this guy," Gojo replies as he pulls out a sleeping doll that has boxing gloves on its hands.

"What's with this ugly-cute doll?" Itadori asks as he holds the doll in his hand.

"Cute?" Gojo questions. "It's one of the principal's cursed corpses."

"I knew it!! It's the same style! And? I'm not getting anything from it," Itadori exclaimed

"Don't worry. Here it comes," Gojo replied.

And as if on queue, the doll sprung to life and punched Itadori in the chin.

Itadori whined softly in pain as he cradled his jaw that stung.

"That cursed corpse will wake up if it doesn't receive a consistent flow of cursed energy. And it'll attack you too! Like I said before, there's a variety of movies here. Comedy, suspense, action. These movies will make you cry, laugh, and feel sad. Let's start by watching one movie without waking it up. In other words, don't get hit!"

Itadori stares at Gojo in disbelief, small unshed tears in the corner of his eyes thanks to his chin hurting.

"This training will teach you how to control the flow of your cursed energy under any condition. You don't want to give it too much or too little."

Itadori picks up the doll and holds it by its head, watching it closely as it starts to swing its arms in his hold which makes him tense up, just to feel relieved that it fell back asleep, but tensed up not even a second later when its snot bubble popped.

"For now, it's set to match your cursed energy level, which is kinda low. But stay frosty. It'll slowly require a higher flow of cursed energy over time," Gojo states.

"There's no way I'm gonna let up," Itadori replied, sighing in relief when he watched the doll go back to sleep again. "So... which one first?" He asks.

"This one's my recommendation. The heroine is super annoying...but meets a gruesome death," Gojo says as he shows one of the movies.

"Spoilers, dude! Let's start with an actio– Ngh!" Itadori begins to say just to get punched straight in the face, and he immediately throws the doll at the ground. "AGGGHH! DAMMIT!!"

"Hey, even if you're frustrated, keep your cursed energy steady!" Gojo called out.


"Oh, you're back. Here," Megumi takes notice of (Y/n) beside him, and hands over a sucker to the taller male.

"Thanks," (Y/n) murmured as he unwraps the sucker and plops it in between his lips.

Megumi then turned back toward the trio before him.

"Carrying cursed tools, huh? It's true that there are advantages to using them in close combat. Even a sword's sheath is cumbersome. But I like having my hands free considering my cursed technique. It seems like you carry at least two, Zen'in-senpai. Where do you keep them? Just asking," Megumi asks.

"I make Panda hold one," Maki answers which causes Panda to flex.

(Y/n) twirls the sucker around in his mouth, watching the group with a sweatdrop.

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