The Shibuya Incident, Part 25

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Naobito watched as the cursed womb levitated in the air, creating a sphere of water on his pointer finger.

The man shifted into a fighting stance, which made him bend his knees a little. His right wrist was placed up against his hip while his left hand was opened with the thumb slightly bent facing straight at the cursed womb.

The cursed womb then pointed the sphere of water toward the ground, sending a giant blast of water into Maki's and the others' direction.

Maki quickly stabbed her weapon into pillars so that she wouldn't get swept away by the strong current.

"There's so much!" She exclaimed while balancing herself as she stared at all the water that was below her.

'Megumi's Max Elephant doesn't even come close! If we were underground, that would've been game over.' Maki thought.

"Hey, cursed spirit. Do you know how many frames...are in one second of an animated sequence?" Naobito asks with a cocky smirk on his lips.

"My name is not cursed spirit," the cursed womb states.

"These days, it's all about resolution...and waiting to increase frame rate," Naobito continued.

"My name is Dagon. Hanami, Jogo, and Mahito," Dagon replied just to be ignored.

"4k this and 60 FPS that," Naobito says once more.

"We all...bear names!" Dagon shouted.

"Don't you find unrefined?!" Naobito yelled.

Nanami comes up from the side, swinging his blade at Dagon who blocks it.

The man and Dagon held a stare-down for a few moments before Nanami sent Dagon to the ground so that the battle would be even.

Maki moved in close, her weapon swung above her head before bringing it down on Dagon who grabbed it.

Naobito shows up from behind and jabs Dagon in the side which sends him into Naobito's cursed technique.

As Nanami free-falls, he slams his weapon through the cursed technique which breaks Dagon out of it.

"Tch!" Nanami tched when he saw Dagon was able to block his attack.

Dagon quickly got out of the way, water circling his figure to keep the sorcerers at a distance.

'No damage... Or rather, it feels like it has boundless hp.' Nanami thought, a sigh escaping his lips.

Chuckles left Naobito's lips. "Even two Grade 1 sorcerers aren't enough to exorcise you, huh? What a turbulent we live in," he states.

'Dammit! If the geezer hadn't used his cursed technique just now...I would've been killed. How humiliating!' Maki thought, narrowing her eyes at the curse.

Naobito walked up to the water that surrounded Dagon and smacked it.

"A shield of water, huh? Can you pull off multiple strong attacks simultaneously? You have massive amounts of cursed energy, and I bet you still have other cursed techniques up your sleeve. Then what to do? Easy. Before you can use your techniques..." Naobito trailed off.

Nanami and Maki tightened the grip they had around the handle of their weapons, while Naobito tightened the fists he had held up.

'...We'll crush you with speed!' Naobito finished his words by saying it in his head.

The trio went in for an attack of their own just to be stopped by water.


Dagon then placed the pads of his fingers together and disappeared, the water blinding Maki and Nanami since they were both close to him.

'Oh, that's right. You can levitate.'

Naobito could be seen above Dagon's figure with a smirk on his lips. "Well, I'd try to flee up high too."

The man sends Dagon flying to the ground, causing it to break and crumble under the strength.

The Zen'in male reappears behind Dagon in a flash.

'I can't techniques!' Dagon thought.

Naobito moved in close and swung a punch straight at Dagon, sending the curse straight into the ground once more.

'This guy! It's this guy's fault! He's fast! Probably faster than Jogo!' Dagon mused.

Naobito stared down at Dagon's figure and smirked. "Don't even think about it," he says before sending a barrage of punches into Dagon's abdomen.

Suddenly, Naobito stopped what he was doing and realized what was about to happen.

"Domain expansion."

The scenery around Naobito, Nanami, and Maki changes into that of a tropical paradise, a beautiful-looking beach that seems calming.


"Get up," (Y/n) coldly orders as he kicks Mirai in the abdomen, sending them flying into one of the mirrors.

Mirai choked out violet blood that dripped down their chin and to the ground, as they stabilized themselves onto their forearms as they gasped for air.

Mirai's eyes shook and trembled as they lowered their head to the ground.

'He's... He's still playing! Which tail is this...? Two? Three?' Mirai thought as a shaky breath left their lips.

Their face was cracked and broken like how a shattered mirror would be. A few pieces were missing as the wounds dripped and painted the ground with violet blood.

"Up," (Y/n) repeated once more.

Mirai pushed themselves up slowly and stumbled onto their feet. Their upper body was slumped over as their arms swayed back and forth in a gentle manner.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as a wide grin reappeared on his lips when he saw what Mirai looked like.

Along with their face being shattered, pieces of their face were long gone.

Burn marks scarred against the palms of their hands which amused the curse greatly.

"It's a pity, really. But it's better than nothing," (Y/n) says with a chuckle leaving his lips.

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