Young Fish and Reverse Punishment, Part 6

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"At first glance, part 2 isn't any different than 1 or 3. The way a perfectionist is willing to lay everything out there is beautifully portrayed. I couldn't figure out why I liked it so much, but...I guess that's the reason," Junpei says.

'What the fuck are they saying?' (Y/n) stared at the talking duo with a dot-eyed expression, not understanding what they were talking about.

Junpei then sighed. "I watched it three times. It was also the one with the most intense gore, so it was a bit much..." He trailed off.

"Why did you put yourself through that?" Itadori asks.

Junpei shifted his attention over to the pink-haired male. "So, you like movies, Itadori?"

Itadori sweatdrops. "Special circumstances had me watching a bunch lately...but not in the theater."

Junpei smiled a bit. "Oh, yeah? Great movies are really worth watching at the theater. Though on demand's pretty convenient," he says.

'I don't understand what the hell they're saying, so...I'm gonna pretend I do.' (Y/n) mentally sighed.

Itadori clasps his hands together and rests his chin on them. "I can't even remember the last time I went... You gotta take me some time," he replied.

Junpei's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh. How can I contact you? Here," Itadori hands over his phone.

"Huh? Junpei?" A woman's voice said, causing Itadori and Junpei to jolt in surprise.

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow at the woman, taking notice of the cigarette in her hand.

"Who's that?" Itadori asks.

"Mom!" Junpei exclaimed.

Junpei's mother walked down the steps, not noticing (Y/n) since where he stood was a space for her.

"Is this a friend?" She asks.

Junpei's eyes widened a bit when he noticed that his mother ignored (Y/n), which confused him in a way.

Wasn't (Y/n) human?

"I just met them," Junpei explained.

Junpei's mother didn't take notice of how her son said 'them' as if there was another person there with them.

"We just met, but I think we'll get along!" Itadori exclaimed.

"What's your name?" Junpei's mother asked.

"Yuji Itadori! You and spring onions really don't match!" Itadori introduced himself.

Junpei's mother laughed. "I know, right? I'm aiming to be a lady that doesn't go with spring onions," she replied.

"...What're they talking about?" Junpei muttered.

"Who the hell knows. I'm just pretending to understand what's going on," (Y/n) says as he walks over to the others.

Junpei looked upward at the taller figure, surprised to see how tall (Y/n) actually was since the said male was slouching over this whole time.

Junpei then snatched the cigarette from his mother's hand.

"I thought I told you to stop smoking!" Junpei scolded.

"Yeah, yeah," the woman sighs.

"Yuji, how about joining us for dinner?" Junpei's mother asked as she held out the bag of groceries she had in her hands.

"Hey! Don't be a pain!" Junpei huffed out.

Itadori looked over at (Y/n), confused about why the cursed spirit was never brought up in the conversation.

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