Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 7

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"Maki? She's worthless. She can't even see curses. She's just a normal person who can only swing cursed tools around. She'll be stuck at Grade 4 forever. I'm not sure why she even bothers with being a jujutsu sorcerer," Mai says.

"Breaks over!" Utahime called out.

"Okay," Mai replied.

'Okay... I feel a little relieved now.' Miwa thought.

Miwa was panicking inside of her head as she stared at Maki. 'You idiot, Mai! She's crazy strong!' She thought.

Maki swung her weapon at an angle that Miwa was able to block.

'She's using a long weapon, so I need to get in close...but I've got my hands full just defending! If the blade was exposed, I would've died twice already! You call this a Grade 4 jujutsu sorcerer?! She'd clean up a grade 2 curse no problem! And how the heck is she using a polearm in a cramped space like these woods?!' Miwa slid backward to get away from Maki.

Maki watched as Miwa used one of her shadow styles to create a simple domain around her figure.

The Tokyo female seemed to realize that Miwa was probably going to try and get her to lose her grip on her weapon.

"If that's the case..." Maki trails off just to break her polearm.

Miwa's eyes widened. 'She broke it with her leg? Why is she negating her reach advantage?' She wondered.

Maki then throws one of the broken parts of her polearm at Miwa.

'She threw it?!'

Miwa's eyes widened even more after blocking, taking notice of the kunai.

Maki immediately went toward Miwa to close the distance between the two of them.

'She had hidden weapons?! What amazing instincts! She's using decoys to close the gap!'

Miwa blocks the attack that Maki sends her way the second they are face-to-face with one another.

'Both my feet moved! That's okay though– just need to take a step she gets nice and close...'

Maki brings one of her hands to the end of Miwa's handle that wasn't being held and sweeps the other female off of her female to bring the blade into her hold instead.

Miwa hits the ground but she recovers, getting onto her feet.

'Aikido?! She's skilled!' Miwa complimented.

Miwa then looked down at her hands just to realize she no longer had her weapon.

"Huh?!" She gasped out.

"Pretty nice blade you got here," Maki says as she points the tip of Miwa's blade at its original owner.

Miwa stared at Maki in surprise. 'Disarming technique...'

"Can I get that back?" Miwa nervously reaches a hand out in Maki's direction.

The duo didn't take notice of a crow staring down at them.


"Heh heh... What an interesting girl. Why don't we just promote her to Grade 2 already?" A silver-haired female by the name of Mei Mei, asks.

Junpei sweated nervously as he listened to the conversation that was happening around him despite keeping his eyes on the multiple televisions that were strung and connected up against the wall in front of him and the others.

His fingers fidgeted nervously knowing that he was currently surrounded by sorcerers who could easily defeat him if they wanted to.

"I agree, but her family...seems to be getting in the way. The Zen'in family should just be honest and acknowledge her skills," Gojo agreed.

"Heh... I don't understand connections not based on money."

"And you'll always be a cheapskate."

Gojo then looked over to where Mei Mei was sitting.

"Anyway, I can't help but notice that the video feed around Yuji seems to be a little inconsistent," Gojo points out.

"Well, what can you do about animals? Besides, it gets tiring looking at things from their point of view after a while," Mei Mei replied.

"Hm... Are you sure about that? I got a question for ya... Whose side are you on, Mei?" Gojo asks.

"Whose side? I'm on the side with money, of course. There's no value in something that can't be bought...since you can't exchange that for money," she answers.

"I wonder how much!" Gojo says loudly.

'I'm not sure what you guys have planned...but Yuji's different now.' Gojo thought with a small proud smirk on his lips.

"Oh!" Gojo takes notice of a talisman catching on fire.

"We got some action."

Gojo hummed lowly. "All these one-on-ones... Did they forget the main objective?"

"Why can't they get along?" Utahime grumbled.

"Maybe they get it from you, Utahime," Gojo teased.

"You're the only person I don't get along with!" Utahime scoffed.

Junpei sweatdropped. 'Are these two friends or...' He trailed off in thought.


Nobara could be seen chasing after Momo who was currently flying on her broom.

"Get down here, you stupid witch!" Nobara hollers.

"I've flown down low a few times already. You gonna catch me or not...first-year?!" Momo replied before sending an attack of wind that was created by cursed energy at Nobara.

Nobara covers her face with both of her arms. 'This cursed energy wind was strong enough to push me away! With gravel and branches getting caught up, that hurt like hell! I gotta stay focused, or it'll rip me to shreds!' She thought.

Her eyes then widened when she realized that Momo was nowhere in front of her just to be hit straight in the face not even a moment later.

Momo reappears as she flies right by Nobara.

"How dare you hit my sacred face!" Nobara scolds, glaring up at Momo.

"A scar on the face can be a good thing for guys. But not for girls."


Momo stared blankly down at Nobara. "You think the world of jujutsu sorcerers is based on skill?" She asks.

"Isn't it?" Nobara questions.

"Sure. But only for guys," Momo replied.

Nobara gives a confused look.

"Even if a girl is skilled, if she's not cute, she's looked down upon. Of course, if she's only cute without any skill, it's the same. Understand? Women jujutsu sorcerers aren't expected to be skilled. They're expected to be perfect. And Mai has to deal with even more discrimination than that!" Momo explains.

A ticked-off look could be seen on Nobara's face as she stared coldly at Momo's floating figure.

"Yeah, I understand... I understand that you're incredibly annoying!"

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