Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 3

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"Something's not right," Megumi tells his team.

Somewhere else, Panda sniffed at the air.

"Something's weird."

Nobara, Inumaki, and (Y/n) looked over at him.

"The Kyoto school's moving as a unit around where we split off with Yuji," Panda says.

"All of them, right?"


"Do you think the Grade 2 curse is that way?" Maki asks.

The Divine dog beside Megumi's feet barked.

"No, unless it's incredibly clever, my divine dog would detect it. Are they...planning to kill Itadori?" Megumi wondered.


"What?! That doesn't make sense!" Nobara shouts.

"Kelp," Inumaki replied.

"It could be because of the old man finding out that Itadori has been alive this whole time despite being reported as 'dead'," (Y/n) piped up.

Panda, Inumaki, and Nobara looked over at him.

Panda nodded his head in agreement. "Hm... I didn't sense anything malicious from the earlier...but that was – like what (Y/n) said – before they knew Itadori was alive. I wouldn't put it past Principal Gakuganji to give that order," he replied.

"Are the Kyoto school students the type of lowlives...who would kill on command?" Nobara asks in disbelief.

"They don't see it that way. You first years and (Y/n) know Itadori personally because you've spent time together. We also know he's a good guy since we got a chance to meet him. He's optimistic, which is rare for a sorcerer. But for those who've never had a chance to meet him... Sukuna's vessel is just an object of fear. To them, killing him is no different from exorcising a curse. Sorcerers tend to lose touch with things like that," Panda explains.


"We're going back, Megumi," Maki says as she turns around and starts to walk off.

"Sorry..." Megumi apologizes.

"Why're you apologizing?" Maki questioned. "If your friend does, the Goodwill Event's pretty much done."


"Nobara and I will go check on Yuji. He's not answering his phone. Toge and (Y/n), you two stay and keep hunting curses," Panda says.

"Fish flakes," Inumaki denies, creating an 'X' over his chest to show his disapproval.

"I know you're worried about Yuji. I bet the Kyoto school is attempting to...assassinate Yuji, using the confusion of the team battle as a cover," Panda points out.

"Once the team battle is done, I think they'll call off the assassination."

"True," Nobara agrees.

Inumaki hits the palm of his hand with a closed fist. "Salmon," he agreed.

(Y/n) shifted his eyes in a specific direction, a frown appearing on his lips. 'And it's not just that...they'll probably be releasing a cursed spirit on all of us if Itadori's assassination goes in their honor.' He thought.

"Let's do it for Maki too. We won't let them kill Yuji, and we'll win the team battle!" Panda examined.

"Of course!" Nobara replied as she took her phone out to make a call.

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