The Origin of Obedience, Part 7

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"You don't like pain, do you? Then hurry up and deactivate your technique already," Nobara ordered.

Eso and Kechizu's hearts continued to thump.

'A counter technique!! It's a game of chicken... If I don't deactivate my technique, this will never end!' Eso thought as sweat rolled down his face.

Nobara still held an insane grin on her lips as she gazed at Eso.

'It's a nice surprise that it works on the younger brother too. If I go down, I'm using resonance to take you two down with me!' Nobara mused.

'Whoa! That's nasty! But no matter how many times you do it, it won't be enough to kill us. In this game of chicken, you'll go down first! And while you're in decay with so much pain and poison, you won't be able to...move–' Eso and Kechizu's eyes widen when they see Itadori behind them with a fist covered in cursed energy.

"How can you move?" Eso asks.

Nobara pierces a second nail into her arm which causes the two brothers to tense up in pain.

Not being able to move, the first one to be punched was Kechizu.

"Kechizu!!" Eso hollers loudly as he watches his brother get punched non-stop by Itadori.

"Shaddup!" Nobara pushes a third nail into her arm.

This causes a striking pain in Eso's chest as it continues to thump wildly.


Itadori was now going after the now Eso while Nobara went to finish off Kechizu.

'They're switching! The weakened girl's gonna...attack my weakened younger brother!' Eso thought in horror.

Nobara glanced over at Eso in the corner of her eyes with a chilling smirk on her lips.

'You think you can keep me frozen in place forever?!' Eso gritted his teeth. "You brat!" He hollered.

'Should I deactivate the technique? At this rate, I can't help my brother! While decay is active, I can't use Wing King. But can that girl kill my brother in her condition? Even with the girl interfering, there's no way that I...will be killed by this boy before she dies! I will not deactivate...the technique!' Eso declared.

"Big bro..." Kechizu's weakened voice was heard which snapped Eso out of whatever mindset he was in.

"We three are one."

Nobara and Itadori moved in closer to their targets with serious looks on their faces, not daring to back down and stop until the enemies were exorcised.

Itadori sends in a black flash attack straight at Eso, which sends his right arm flying.

Violet blood spurts out of the open wound due to Eso losing an arm.

'What was...that black light?! I'm sure... I'm positive that I reinforced my arm with cursed energy when taking that blow! But before I realized it, my whole arm was gone! Oh, my dear...younger brother. Don't dear younger brother!!' Eso panicked.

"Grk! Big brooo!!!" Kechizu's voice echoed as he loomed over Nobara's figure who had her back towards the curse.

Itadori looked over while Eso snickered.

"Oh right, I haven't shown you this one yet..." Nobara snapped her fingers together. "Hairpin!"

Violet blood went flying everywhere as Kechizu was the first one to be taken down.

Nobara smirks as she walks over to Itadori and Eso's side.

"Don't worry. I'll be sending big brother your way soon," Nobara states coldly.

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