Hidden Inventory, Part 3

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"Sorry! I said I'm sorry!" Kokun hollers as he struggles in a cursed spirit's hold that is wrapped around him.

"Kiss me..." The cursed spirit coaxed out.

"I'll withdraw from the mission! I'll quit being a curse user too! Q as well, of course! That's right! I'll go back to the countryside and grow rice!" Kokun continued.

Geto was seen on his phone with a frown on his lips.

"C'mon, let's smooch... A kiss, right here," the cursed spirit continued to coax.

"Hm?" Geto brought a hand up to his ear, acting as if he didn't hear the man.

"I know you can hear me!" Kokun shouts.

"A cursed user rice farmer? As if..." Geto sighed heavily.

"See?! You can hear me! What can brats like you do?! We have Vayer! Q's strongest soldier! You're all–" Kokun was then cut off by his yelling.

"Hey. Is this Vayer?" Geto holds out his phone to show Kokun what he is looking at.

"Huh?" Kokun's eyes widened when he saw Gojo posing in front of a beaten-up Vayer. "Yeah, that's Vayer..."


"I was wondering where you went off to. What are you doing here?" A man asks when he sees his colleague.

"I'm making money," a raven-haired male with green eyes casually answers.

"I've never seen you win before. What's going on with work?"

The green-eyed male chuckled. "Man! You're annoying, treating me like a jobless bum."

"Well, you are jobless. As a mediator, I have to give the client a progress report," his colleague replied.

"We're talking about the Gojo Family's boy here. Can't just nonchalantly walk in. I'm gonna use those idiots first to wear him down a bit."

The green-eyed man continued to smirk. "I can't help noticing you're not working," he then points out.

"I did, you idiot. Whaddaya think you're doing giving up all that money we have you?" The other asked.

"That's what I meant by wear down. Don't worry. We'll get a return on that money. Just like this race here," the green-eyed male says as he holds up a ticket he had purchased a while back to gamble away.

"Number 6, Hatano, finishes in first, followed by number 1 Doguchi!" The announcer says.

The gambler stayed quiet when he realized that he had lost.

'He must have lost.' The man beside him thought.

"Going for a quick buck doesn't suit you."

A piece of paper could be heard being crushed.

"I'm counting on you...sorcerer killer. Oh, right... How's Megumi doing?"

The green-eyed male stared at his colleague with an indifferent look on his face. "... Who's that again?"


Gojo looked over at his friend as the star plasma vessel slept peacefully.

"If there was a cursed spirit that you wanted to get, who would it be?" Gojo suddenly asks.

Geto raises a brow in the white-haired male's direction before chuckling softly.

"To be honest? Probably the nine-tails," Geto answered.

"Huh? The nine-tails? Isn't he a myth of some sort?" Gojo asked, surprised at Geto's answer.

Geto shrugged his shoulders. "Myth or not, he's a cursed spirit I'd like to have on the sorcerer's side," he replied.

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