The Shibuya Incident, Part 35

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"The Ten Shadows technique begins when...a sorcerer receives two divine dogs. In order to use other shikigami...the sorcerer and divine dogs must work together to exorcise them. Then the sorcerer gains more shikigami, which they can exorcise and amass up to ten shikigami," Megumi explains as he walks away in pain, sweat rolling down his face as his blood drips across the ground.

"... Are you done yet?" Haruta asks. "That girl from before was pretty strong too. And all of you are still so young. Even though he's on his last legs, he isn't giving me an opening to get close. But with all that bleeding, I probably won't even need to– See? Yeesh," Haruta watched as Megumi fell to the ground.

Megumi's body trembled as he pushed himself up. "The thing can exorcise a shikigami with multiple people. But doing so nullifies the technique's effect after the exorcism is done. For the sorcerer, it's a pointless exorcism. But even a pointless exorcism has its uses," he says.

"Do you know why the Gojo and Zen'in families are on bad terms?" Gojo asks.

"Were they always on bad terms?" Megumi questioned as he stared at the white-haired male.

"The worst. I think it was during the Edo Period...or maybe Keicho? I forget, but the heads of their respective households...killed each other in a fight before the aristocracy," Gojo answers as he looks over at the raven-haired teenager.

"Back then, who were the Heads?" Megumi asks.

"A limitless cursed technique user with the Six Eyes like me for the Gojo family...and a Ten Shadows technique user like Megumi for the Zen'in family," Gojo explains.

Megumi's eyes widened a bit when he heard that.

"You get what I'm trying to say, right?" Gojo asked as he eyed Megumi's expression closely.

"That doesn't mean I can become stronger than you," Megumi mumbled.

'I bet the Head of the household...used it this way too.' He thought.

"Blah blah blah blah. You done?" Haruta asks before the ground starts trembling which makes him look over and see the destruction in the distance. "An earthquake? Heh heh... Wow, so who's the showoff?"

Megumi was able to get up into a crouching position with both of his arms stretched out and two closed fists facing each other.

"Let me continue. You can't use a shikigami unless you exorcise it. But you can summon them anytime you want..." Megumi trails off.

Haruta looks over when he senses cursed energy behind him.

'What is this...cursed energy?!' Haruta wondered.

" an attempt to exorcise them. Not a single Ten Shadows technique user...has ever been able to exorcise this one."

"The thing is you can exorcise a shikigami with multiple people."

Megumi's words caused Haruta to immediately panic when he realized what the teenager was about to do.

'It can't be–!' Haruta thought as he quickly turned in Megumi's direction. "Stop!" He shouted.

"With this treasure, I summon..."

As if multiple chains were unwrapping and snapping with its summoning, a giant shikigami appeared behind Megumi's injured figure.

The sound of dogs howling echoed throughout the night as the shikigami made its appearance before disappearing.

'Damn, he got me! A shikigami so strong it can't be controlled. He started an exorcism ritual...and forced me to take part! Now I have to fight together with that defeat this monster!! But that kid... Probably...' Haruta stared in horror.

'I'll see you later. Sorry...Itadori...(Y/n).' Megumi thought.

"Hey! You piece of crap! I'll be the first to pass on. Good luck," Megumi says before being thrown into a nearby building.

The raven-haired teenager's body became limp as his blood dripped from his head and lips.

Haruta looked over at Megumi before looking at the shikigami.


The giant shikigami menacingly approached the blonde-haired male.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Dammit! This...! Stop messing around!! You stupid jujutsu sorcerer! Wake up!!" Haruta hollered.


(Y/n) and Sukuna's attention snapped in the direction of where they felt strong cursed energy appear.

"Master Sukuna? Master (Y/n)?" Uraume questioned when they saw the two males look in the same direction.

"We have urgent business to deal with," Sukuna says.

"I see..." Uraume replied.

(Y/n) stood quietly, waiting for Sukuna to finish this short reunion between the three of them.

"It won't be much longer until I'm completely free. Don't neglect your preparations. See you later, Uraume," Sukuna states.

"See you later," (Y/n) muttered.

"... Understood," Uraume murmured as they closed their eyes just for (Y/n) and Sukuna to disappear.

"I shall be waiting for you two."


Haruta watched as the shikigami sent a punch straight at him.

The ground beneath where Haruta once stood crumbled due to the force of the shikigami's attack.

The shikigami felt two strong cursed energies appear near it and turned its attention toward them.

Sukuna and (Y/n) had appeared beside the severely injured Megumi.

Sukuna stared at Megumi's figure in shock as he held Haruta by the male's shirt.

'A state of suspended death!' Sukuna realized before looking at Haruta in the corner of his eyes. 'I see... I knew it was a good idea to save this piece of trash. He was most likely dragged into the exorcism ritual. If this trash is killed, that's the end of the ritual. Megumi Fushiguro will die as well.' He thought.

(Y/n) looked quietly at Megumi and sighed quietly. "Dumbass," he muttered before crouching beside the teenager and placing a hand over the boy's figure.

Cursed energy surrounded (Y/n)'s hand as he healed the raven-haired boy.

Sukuna looked between the two boys beside him, jealously swimming in the pit of his stomach when he saw how deeply (Y/n) cared about Megumi but did nothing about it.

"You had a seal, dumbass... You could've ripped it," (Y/n) muttered. "Just don't go dying on me."

Sukuna looked toward the shikigami which was called Mahoraga.

"Don't die. There's something I need you to do," Sukuna says which caught (Y/n)'s attention.

"Um, uhhh..." Haruta tried to say when he saw Sukuna and (Y/n) beside him.

"Quiet. Just stay here," Sukuna ordered.

'In order to keep Fushiguro alive... (Y/n) and I need to defeat the shikigami even though we're an outsider. Then the exorcism ritual...will be void.' Sukuna thought.

Sukuna shifted into a fighting stance as he stared up at Mahoraga.

"Let's start with a little taste...shall we?"

'This bastard... Fuck you.' (Y/n) thought when he realized that he would be forced into fighting Mahoraga since Sukuna would probably be dragging him into the fight.

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