Hidden Inventory, Part 5

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"Amanai!" Gojo exclaimed as he slammed the doors open, capturing everyone's attention.

Riko stared, flabbergasted. "Wha... W-Wha–" She stuttered, unsure of what to say.

"WHHHHHAAAT?!" Many girls screamed.

"Hm?" Gojo hummed out.

"Riko! Is he your boyfriend?!" A girl asks.

"No... He's my cousin!" Riko quickly denied it.

"He's so tall for a high schooler!" Another girl exclaimed in awe.

"Show us your face!"

Gojo slides his sunglasses off, casting a smirk in the girls' direction.

"Wow! He's so hot!" Multiple girls exclaimed in sync.

"Don't get full of yourself!" Riko yelled over the girls.

"Hey! Everyone settle down! How shameful!" Their teacher said, raising her voice.

"You're interested in him too," the female students grumbled.

The teacher then walked over to Gojo. "This is very inappropriate, even for a family member," she scolds.

"Sorry, this is an emergency. My bad," Gojo apologized.

The female teacher then moved in close to Gojo, handing him a slip of paper. "This is my number, by the way."

"Heeyy!! That's against the rules!!" Multiple female students yelled.

"Be quiet! Do you know how hard it is to find someone with my job?!"

"Same for us! He's too young for you anyway!"

"Huh?! Are you disrespecting Hikaru Genji?!"

Gojo casually carried Riko by the back of her shirt and left the building.

"What a fun school..." He states.

"You idiot! I thought I told you not to show up!" Riko exclaimed.

"Curse users have attacked. You can figure out the rest, right? We're heading straight for Jujutsu High. You don't want to get your friends involved, right?" Gojo replied.

Riko stays silent as she is carried by Gojo, who is running across a building roof.


"Huh?" A masked man questioned as he looked upward, noticing Riko and Gojo on the rooftop.

'Is the guy with her a curse user as well? Maybe he's a bodyguard...' The man thought.

"Are you with the Time Vessel Association? Those associated with Q...wear pretty strange clothing, after all," Kuroi says while holding a mop in her hands.

"A civilian? If you wanna kill me, then hurry up," the man replied.

Kuroi gave an irked expression as she moved forward.

"Too slow."

A fist nearly meets Kuroi's face but it is quickly forced away.

Kuroi had a serious look on her face as she flipped the mop's handle around and hit between the man's legs.

"Guh..." The man fell to his knees in pain.

"Don't you dare do anything to my lady. Or I'll kill you!" Kuroi threatened as she pointed a mop in the injured masked man's direction.

"Wow, you're so strong. Where's Riko?" Geto asks.

"She left the school with Master Gojo," Kuroi answered.

"Then we should follow them. Things are getting a little hairy," Geto replied.

"Keh heh... So she was the 30 million..." The unnamed chuckled lowly before disappearing.

"A shikigami?!" Kuroi gasped.

"No, not a shikigami," Geto replied before getting on the phone with Gojo. "Satoru."


"There's a 30-million-yen bounty of Amanai's head?" Gojo asks as he casually stands on a nearby roof with Riko beside him.

"Yeah. With a time limit on a dark website for curse users. They have until the day after tomorrow at 11 a.m.," Geto answers.

"I see," Gojo then ends the conversation. "Sheesh... And to think that we're always low on jujutsu sorcerers. We'd welcome you with open arms, old man. I see two, three, four... And they all look the same. Are they shikigami?" The white-haired teenager gazed at the opponent in front of him and Riko.

"Naw... Your profession sounds kinda risky. Just hand over the girl, and we'll be outta here."

A fifth one manifested from beside the masked man who was talking.

"There's more! Five!"

Gojo casually sends in an attack straight at two of them. "What're you interested in a brat like this for?"

The masked man's eyes widened when he saw two of his clones easily get taken out. 'What happened?! He took two out just like that!' He thought.

"The shikigami aren't disappearing! Which is the real one?" Riko asks.

"Those aren't shikigami. They're clones. And all of them are the real one," Gojo answered.

Two clones came up from behind just to be halted while Riko was casually pushed downward.

"What's this?!" The clone from the left, asks.

"The infinity. You know, from Achilles and the tortoise," Gojo replied.

"What?!" The clone exclaimed.

Gojo grins. "Didn't you learn that studying is important?" An invisible force sends both of the clones flying and out of commission.

Riko stared in surprise.

"He's using a cloning technique that maxed out at five, including the original. You can change your real body at any time, right? If you're in danger, just switch bodies, okay? You've got quite the technique. Then why are you so weak?" Gojo states.

"How do you know my technique?" The masked man asks.

Gojo slides his sunglasses off of his face and dangles them right in front of him.

"Sorry about that. I've got good eyes. My technique is the convergence of an infinite series. Things that approach me slow down...and never reach me. And by amplifying the limitless and negative numbers... Impossible situations like having -1 apples are born. In doing that, I can create a magnetic effect like the one before. But to tell the truth, it's quite difficult to use. I can't create a huge field of attraction close to myself. Manipulating the cursed energy to use it accurately is a real pain. In other words, I get really tired," Gojo explains.

The masked man becomes surprised when he realizes how close Gojo has gotten to him.

"But this is all...standard for my technique. This is the divergence of the infinity," Gojo finished as he pointed a finger gun at his opponent.

Cursed Technique Reversal: Red Glow!

Nothing happens.

This confused the masked opponent.

"Heh... It didn't work!" Gojo smiles brightly as he sends a punch under his opponent's chin.

Gojo sighed heavily in defeat, ignoring the decommissioned opponent.

"I thought it was gonna work this time," Gojo muttered.

'Seriously... What's wrong with this guy?' Riko wondered before hearing her phone go off, so she pulled it out of her pocket.

"It's from Kuroi."

Fear and horror can be seen on Riko's face as she takes in the photo that was sent to her.

It was a picture of a beaten-up Kuroi, all tied up.

"Oh no! What're we gonna do?!" Riko exclaimed.

Gojo looked over at Riko, surprised.

"They got Kuroi!!"

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