The Shibuya Incident, Part 45

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The sound of a train moving on metal tracks could be heard.

"The battle will be settled any minute now. There's no point in heading to Shibuya anymore. Turn back...Miwa," Kokichi ordered.

Miwa stared down at the miniature Mechamaru in her hands with a solemn gaze.

"Why only Todo-senpai and Nitta...?" Miwa asked.

"There's a 99 percent chance that Todo would survive in Shibuya. The same goes for Nitta, who's accompanying Todo. His cursed technique will be useful too," Kokichi answered.

"Am I–" Miwa started to raise her voice. "Am I...useless?!" She questioned.

"The situation has gotten out of hand. It's not just you. Mai, Kamo, Nishimiya, and even Utahime. I doctored the records to make sure everyone would be on a mission south of Kyoto on the 31st," Kokichi answered.

"Why...didn't you say anything? Why didn't you trust and confer with us? Aren't we in this together? Is it because...I'm weak?" Miwa asked as tears gathered in her eyes.

"No. I'm the weak one," Kokichi answered. "I made a mistake because I'm weak. And I couldn't even go through with that mistake because I'm weak. There was someone I loved. I thought it didn't matter what world we lived in as long as I was by her side, protecting her. Even though I might not have been the one...who she wanted protecting her," he says.

Tears dripped down Miwa's face and landed on her hands as she listened to Kokichi's words.

"It's time, Miwa," Kokichi points out.

"No!" Miwa shouted.

"Goodbye, thank you for–" Kokichi began to say as he was about to end the conversation between the two of them.

"Please don't say goodbye!" Miwa shouted once more.

"Miwa. Find your happiness. No matter how you do it, if you're wish will have come true," Kokichi finished before ending the call, deactivating Mechamaru.

"Mechamaru..." Miwa trailed off as she stared at her reflection from the window.

Loud cries echoed throughout the train cart.

Noritoshi, Mai, Momo, and Utahime listened to Miwa's cries.

"Utahime-sensei. What Mechamaru did..." Mai trailed off.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Even though he's still alive, he's now under the watchful gaze of (L/n) while working with him," Utahime replied.

"He doesn't expect much from us. That Mechamaru," Noritoshi sighed.

"Yeah. Going on about how Todo won't die...or how we would. That doesn't matter. Whoever makes my cute junior cry...will die," Momo lightly threatened.

Soft cries and sobs left Miwa's lips as she leaned forward in her seat, her head pressed up against the seat in front of her.


Itadori wrapped his hands around Mahito's manipulated arm that was about to stab him and quickly snapped his elbow down to put pressure on it and swung his leg at the back of the cursed spirit's leg.

This caused Mahito to start falling backward and fall toward Todo, who had his leg up and was ready to kick the curse.

Mahito quickly manipulated his other arm into sharp fin-like weapons.

Todo immediately clapped his hands which made Mahito change the direction of his attack as the two switched places.

Mahito quickly turned to face them, watching as the two brought their arms up to block his incoming attack that looked like a crab claw in a way.

'The topknot gorilla's soul is at full health. Can I kill him with one touch in the state I'm in? I'd say Itadori's soul is at about 10 percent. And I'm at 40 percent...! My double being crushed, the rush of attacks, and that black flash took a lot out of me. All because of...that stupid girl! For a nobody, she really left her mark. I need to take care of this switching first!' Mahito thought as he released a transfigured human in Todo's direction.

A quick clap was reiterated in response which caused Mahito to slice the transfigured human in half which shocked him.

'Switching placed with a nonliving target?! He can even pick up on the cursed energy of a transfigured human before it's released?!' Mahito stared at Todo in disbelief.

"If you're okay with the way you are now...our friendship won't last."

'Even this cursed spirit uses black flash... The one who is now being left behind is me. You've gotten strong, brother. Are you just gonna sit still, Aoi Todo?! Are you gonna...let your brother feel alone again...Aoi Todo?!' Todo thought, encouraging himself to keep going.

Todo ends up using black flash for himself by sending a kick in Mahito's direction.

Mahito gets hit into a wall but he quickly gets back up onto his feet when he lands on the ground just a few moments later.

'It doesn't matter how strong your attack is. Using black flash...has no effect if you can't hit my soul!' Mahito mused.

Todo and Itadori's eyes widened as they watched Mahito spat out multiple transfigured humans into his hands just to have them all become one.

Giant mouths with teeth rushed in Itadori and Todo's direction.

Rumbling from above was heard as the transfigured humans forced all three of them above ground.

'Countering my switch by attacking from all sides! How much does this guy have in reserve...?' Todo wondered.

"Time to kick it up a notch, Itadori! This is our last curse each other!" Mahito yelled.


(Y/n) threw his arms above his head, stretching as a quiet yawn escaped his lips.

"Hm... Should I help?" He muttered as he looked off in the distance of where Itadori, Todo, and Mahito were fighting.


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