Young Fish and Reverse Punishment

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A young male sporting with long brown hair, and a single long fringe covering one of his green eyes could be seen sitting inside of the same cinema a group of students were in, who were talking over the movie in front of him, and just causing a huge disruption.

'Dammit... high schoolers... shouldn't be skipping class to watch movies. Neither should I... and why' have to be them?' The male thought.

"He was looking at my boobs!" A female student exclaimed.

"Well, your boobs bounce when you run!"


"Yo, shut up!"

One of the boys moved closer to the fallen brunette in front of him.

"So...did you look?" The high school student asks.

"No," the brunette answered.

"Are you calling Tsubasa a liar?!" The student asks as he kicks the brunette.

"Yikes! Is that even fair?"

"Look. A half-off coupon."

'Dammit... that girl... she's just using confirm her status. I'm gonna say it... I'm gonna say it!' The male thought when he saw the female sending him a smirk in his direction.

"You're not as cute as you think you are," the brunette points out.

"Yeah, we know that."

"But we flatter her..."

"...Because she looks... easy."

The young male gazed quietly at the group of bullies with a frown on his lips.

'I can't focus on the movie... I can't believe people like that go to my school. Shut up! Turn off your phone!' He thought.

All of a sudden, Mahito appears right behind the group who clearly doesn't notice him.

"Hey, guys. Let's mind our manners, okay?" Mahito smirks a little as he uses his technique to deform the group of bullies before leaving.

"Wha... what happened?" The young male gasped out when he saw the deformed group not long after the movie ended.

'Was it that guy who did it? There's no way a person could do that! If he did it...he must not be human.'

The brunette then turns around and goes in the direction of where he thought Mahito went.


"If I'm the one who did it, what're you gonna do? Judge me? Were those guys...important to you?" Mahito asks.

"Could what you did?" The brunette male asks surprising Mahito.


"Who are those guys? Why're they investigating the crime scene before the authorities? And one of them's a kid," a man points out.

"I'm not sure either. But you saw those bodies. That's not natural. Just pretend you didn't see anything. Or else you're looking at an early retirement."


A man with slick blonde hair was seen pushing up his glasses.

"Can you see them? The residuals of cursed energy," he asks while looking forward.

"Nope. I don't see anything," Itadori answers.

(Y/n) prances forward, a small hop in his step as he follows the footsteps with his hands stuffed into his pockets like usual.

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