The Shibuya Incident, Part 20

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"Younger brothers...?!" Itadori repeats, confused about what Choso meant.

Choso tched. "I'm talking about...the two you killed," he replied.

Itadori's eyes widened when he realized what Choso was talking about now.

"Not...really. But...they did cry," Itadori says.

Choso's eyes widened a little at Itadori's words before glaring coldly in the teenager's direction.

"Eso! Kechizu! Take a good look! This is...your older brother!!" Choso exclaimed as he manipulated his blood to appear behind him.

Itadori got into a fighting stance, ready to fight Choso.


The cursed spirit counted down as it got ready to end Mei Mei.

However, before that could happen, Mei Mei destroyed the rock once more and swung her weapon in the cursed spirit's direction just to be trapped in a coffin again.

"Hmph!" She huffed out.

'I see...' Mei Mei trailed off.

For the curse's technique to work, it had to go through three different steps.

The first step is to trap the person inside of a coffin so that they have no way to escape.

The second step is the coffin being buried under a gravestone.

And finally, the third and final step is to count to three.

'It's a Special Grade disease curse. If I can't escape this coffin within three seconds... I'll be infected by that disease and die!' Mei Mei thought.

The white-haired woman sliced the gravestone in half, breaking herself out of the coffin she was in.

'This gravestone is the most annoying of all. If I take a couple of hits from it, I won't be able to move freely. I'd rather not fight that pseudo-Geto like that.' Mei Mei turned to look in Ui Ui's direction.

"Ui Ui, are you okay?" Mei Mei asks.

"Yes, sister," Ui Ui answers.

'Looks like...this technique can only hit one person at a time. It probably instinctively chooses the person with the stronger cursed energy inside the domain. A single crow got caught inside the domain. In order to finish him off...we're gonna have to make Ui Ui the I can have time to move freely. But even a single hit by the gravestone would be enough to kill Ui Ui.' Mei Mei thought before speaking up.

"Ui Ui. Are you willing to die for me?" Mei Mei asks, brushing a hand against Ui Ui's face with a smile on her lips.

"It would be my pleasure...if you'd allow me to, sister," Ui Ui replied.

Mei Mei quickly suppressed her curse energy leaving Ui Ui all by himself to face the cursed spirit.

Cursed energy surrounded Ui Ui as he felt himself start to get trapped in a coffin.

'My sister suppressed her cursed the same time I released mine! I get it now...sister!' He thought.

The cursed spirit slammed a fist on the palm of its hand to have a gravestone to land on top of the coffin just to fail.

The cursed spirit stared in confusion as it watched its hands get sliced off.

"Did you think...I only brought him along to be my pack mule? Ui Ui is responsible for countering domains. I don't like being indebted to anyone. Taking care of the domain is his duty," Mei Mei says.

The cursed spirit regenerated its hands and reached out toward Mei Mei, its mouth wide open.

"That's a Special Grade for you. They surely do heal real quick," Mei Mei cooly says.

A crow came from the side and pierced straight through the cursed spirit before hitting the ground.

"Do you know the quickest way to raise your a jujutsu sorcerer?" Mei Mei asked as she stared down at the lifeless cursed spirit.

"Heh! That would be a binding vow with your life as the tradeoff...right, sister?" Ui Ui asks as he exits the coffin and walks over to Mei Mei.

The domain expansion that surrounded the two fell once the cursed spirit was gone.

"Now then, everyone... Time for the main act. Are you die for me?" Mei Mei asks.

A murder of crows flew in Kenjaku's direction which the said man noticed.

"Not bad...for a jujutsu sorcerer of this era," Kenjaku says with a smirk on his lips.

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