After the Rain

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"Was it necessary to use a precious finger...just to get that information...about Sukuna and (Y/n)'s powers?" A cursed spirit with a volcano connected to his head asked.

A man with long raven hair and a surgical incision across his forehead could be seen staring over his shoulder. "We can't take half-measures with this," the man says. "We got some valuable information."

"Hmph! I hope that's not an excuse."

The cursed spirit then side-eyed the one beside him. "You! Shut up! I can't understand what you're saying, but I can hear the meaning in my head! It's creepy!"


"Welcome! Party of one?" A greeter asks, and a smile is seen on her lips in a welcoming manner.

The raven-haired man smiled back as he showed a single finger. "Yes. Only one," he agreed.


"It was intentional, wasn't it?" Gojo asks as he sits in the infirmary with the body of Itadori lying lifeless on one of the metal tables in front of him, a huge piece of cloth covering his body.

"What do you mean?" Ijichi nervously asked.

"The enemy was a special grade. Five rescue targets who weren't even confirmed alive. There's no way I'd send in first-years for that. I had to pull some strings to get a stay of execution for Itadori. Those crusty higher-ups used the special grade to get rid of him in my absence. If the other three had died, that would have been the icing on the cake, right?" Gojo points out.

Ijichi's eyes widened in realization. "But when the mission was planned...there was no indication of a special grade," he replied.

Gojo sighed heavily. "Maybe I should just...kill all the higher-ups! Or maybe I could even send (Y/n) after them!" He exclaimed in anger.

"You're being emotional for once! You really had a soft spot for him, huh?" A woman asks as she makes her appearance.

"Sure. I'm a nice guy who looks out for his students," Gojo casually replied.

The doctor, Shoko Ieiri, shook her head. "Don't pick on Ijichi too much. He's caught in the middle between us and the higher-ups," she states.

"I don't care about his hardships," Gojo states.

Shoko then lifted the cloth to look at Itadori's lifeless body. "So... this is...Sukuna's vessel. I can dissect him any time I want, right?" She asks.

"You better make it worth it," Gojo scoffed out.

"I will. Who do you think I am?" Shoko questions as she looks over at the white-haired male.


"He told us to live a long life..." Megumi says, his voice trailing off.

"What use is he dead?" Nobara huffed out before looking over at Megumi. "Hey... is this the first time a friend of yours has died?" She asks.

"A classmate, yeah..." Megumi answers.

"Really? But you seem fine," Nobara points out.

"Look who's talking," Megumi replied.

"Of course, I've only known him for two weeks. I'm not the kind of girl...who cries over a guy like that," Nobara states, her lips quivering.

Megumi eyes the female in silence.

(Y/n) was leaning against the railings beside Megumi. "It's okay to cry," he finally says.

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