The Shibuya Incident, Part 33

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"Is that all you got, cursed spirit?!" Sukuna yelled with a wide grin on his lips.

"Not yet... Not yet!!!!" Jogo shouts as he points the palms of his hands in Sukuna's direction just for them to be sliced off. "Ngh?!"

Sukuna appeared behind Jogo and attacked him.

Jogo went shooting down toward the ground.

The pink-haired male reappeared grabbed the cursed spirit by his face and slammed him straight into the building below.

The two came to a stop on one of the random building's floors, the moonlight peering down from above.

"The moonlight's illumination...makes it easier to see how pathetic you are," Sukuna says.

Jogo was on his knees as his violet blood dripped to the floor.

"How strong am I in terms of Sukuna fingers?"

"Being generous, I'd say about eight or nine."

Jogo covered his mouth as his eye trembled. 'I knew... I knew it, but I didn't think...the difference would be this great!' He thought.

Sukuna approached Jogo and picked him up from the back of his clothes.

"C'mon. You can still do it. I'll keep you company until I get bored," Sukuna states.

Jogo immediately brought his attention to Sukuna when he heard those words.

Not even a few seconds later, the windows shattered as the building caught on fire, but the two were able to escape the damaged building.

"Maximum meteor!" Jogo exclaimed as he summoned a giant meteor.

Sukuna grinned when he saw that Jogo was getting serious.

Seeing the meteor, Kusakabe and Panda did their best to run but were stopped.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Not now! We don't have time for–"

Kusakabe attacked the two people who had gotten in his and Panda's way with his sword.

"Listen up, you curse users! I dunno what the hell happened, but those two fighting there are special-grade! Think of them as elephants tap dancing on ants! And we're the ants! Hurry up and run–" Kusakabe shouts just to freeze.

"I won't allow that," Sukuna states.

Kusakabe, Panda, and the two curse users froze when they saw Sukuna standing before them.

"To all the humans in the vicinity...until I say otherwise, you are forbidden from moving. If you break this rule...I will kill you," Sukuna coldly says.

"Itadori...?" Panda whispered nervously.

The meteor continued to come closer and closer every second.

The heat of the attack overheated the surrounding area.

"Heh heh... Hold on! Not yet. Not... Yet... Now!" Sukuna clapped his hands together with an amused smile on his lips.

With this order, Panda, Kusakabe, and the curse users immediately ran.

(Y/n) watched as the attack landed and destroyed whatever was in its vicinity from where he was.

He could feel the flames and heat of the attack flicker over his skin but it didn't bother him.

The (H/c)-haired male could see Jogo on top of the meteor panting heavily.

'Not bad...' (Y/n) thought.

"Even Sukuna and the fox must've suffered some damage from that," Jogo muttered.

"If it hit," Sukuna says from the side.

Jogo's eye widened when he heard Sukuna's voice.

"Why don't you use your domain?" Sukuna asks as he leans against a closed fist.

Jogo gritted his teeth as he glared over at the male who was sitting.

"I know I'd lose in a battle of domains," Jogo answers.

"Is it because that's what happened with Satoru Gojo? Keh heh! Spoken like a true loser. But since things are getting about I fight using your specialty. Open!" Sukuna replied as he got up onto his feet.

The pink-haired male swung his hand off to the side as flames formed.

"Those are...flames?" Jogo whispered in shock.

Sukuna seemed to realize that Jogo didn't know about this. "Oh, that's right. I thought you'd know about this...but I suppose...a cursed spirit wouldn't."

'Isn't Sukuna's cursed technique slicing and slashing everything?! Does that mean... That fox has something like this as well but hasn't shown it yet?!' Jogo thought.

"Don't worry. I won't cheat by revealing my cursed technique. Knowing my lovely fox, he hasn't said anything about his either. Get ready. Let's have a fire battle," Sukuna says as he forms a ball of fire in his hands.

Jogo had sweat rolling down the side of his face as he too created a ball of fire in between his hands and pointed it in Sukuna's direction.

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