The Shibuya Incident, Part 10

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"Even if we don't count those who are trapped inside the station, the number of people is considerably low," Kusakabe states.


"The transfigured humans who were waiting inside the building...are now attacking the non-sorcerers," Naobito tells the group he was with.


Nanami looked forward as he walked beside Ino and Megumi.

"So our orders are to end our standby and attack. This delay can't be held, since we can only react after an incident occurs. What's most concerning..." Nanami calmly says.

"The abr–" Ino began just to be cut off.

"The abrupt appearance of a curtain prohibiting sorcerers from entering as soon as Gojo ran in. It's been some time since Gojo-sensei arrived. So why now?" Megumi spoke up.

Ino smiled as he swiped his hand between the two males.

"Either something happened...or it was done at a specified time as part of a strategic plan. What we can say for that they wouldn't move without a plan. I'll head for the enemy responsible for the curtains. You two do your best to rescue the civilians," Nanami replied.

The three groups enter the battle at the same time!


"Nitta, once you confirm the situation, please head outside the curtain. As long as the signal is blocked inside...there needs to be someone outside at all times," Ijichi spoke on the phone while typing away at another one in his hand. "I'd like for you to be that person. The assistant managers need to establish a means for constant communication. If we get the windows and everyone off-duty involved, it should be possible."

Ijichi's eyes widened as he felt a sharp blade pierce him multiple times from behind.

"Hup! Hup! Hup! Huuup!"

Ijichi's eyes shook as he dropped to the ground, blood flying and landing on the ground.

The two phones he once held landed beside him.

"Yup. Picking on the weak suits me well. Like this?" Haruta asks, looking over at a figure with short white hair.

"Yes. Please continue patrolling the curtain's perimeter...and hunt anybody wearing a suit," the person answered with a smirk on their lips.

Haruta smiled. "Oookay. Once I'm done, I can head inside, right?"


Mahito was seen crouching in front of the Prison realm with an amused look.

"So, what's the deal?" Mahito asks.

"The seal is complete. However, Prison realm needs time to process Satoru Gojo. We won't be able to move it for the time being," Kenjaku answered.

As if knowing that they were being watched, Mahito sends an attack on something that was attached to the roof.

"They got us," Kenjaku grinned.


"Itadori! Good news!! They're unable to move Gojo...from B5F!!" Kokichi says as Itadori runs.

"Why?!" Itadori asks.

"Because he's Satoru Gojo!" Kokichi simply answered.

Itadori laughed. "Ha ha! Got it!" He replied.

"We'll surround them. Have the sorcerers move in on Shibuya Station from all adjacent subway stations. Once the curtain barring sorcerers from entering is down, we'll attack!" Kokichi explains.

"Have the sorcerers move in, but how? I can't get in contact with Ijichi..."


"What is it?!"

Itadori ran into the curtain noticing all the transfigured humans that were inside of it.

The teenager could remember the time when a transfigured human had asked him to kill it...

So, he decided to put the transfigured humans he saw in front of him out of their misery.

Itadori kicked straight through a transfigured human and hopped onto a nearby roof, taking in a deep breath.

"Na! Na! Miiiiin!!! Nanamin, are you theeere?!" He hollered.

Megumi, Ino, Nanami, Kusakabe, and Panda could hear Itadori's voice.

"Gojo-sensei...has been sealed!!" Itadori yelled.

Megumi held a shocked look on his face. "Sealed?!"

"You two... Change of plans. We must join Itadori at once. If he's really been sealed... It's all over. For all humans in this country," Nanami states.


"Hmph! Looks like the jig is up. The jujutsu sorcerers will increase in numbers and head this way."

Mahito stared at the Prison realm with an annoyed pout on his lips.

"I'm staying here. What about you guys?" Kenjaku asks.

"To avenge my brothers, I'll kill Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki. Then I'll head to Jujutsu High to retrieve the rest of my brothers," Choso answered.

"I dunno who Kugisaki is, but Itadori is off-limits. We're gonna turn him into Sukuna," Jogo spoke up. "And try to get the fox on our side," he adds.

"I don't care," Choso replied.

"Huh?" Jogo narrowed his eye up at Choso.

"Jogo. Calm down," Mahito scolds.

Kenjaku just seemed amused about what was happening in front of him.

"To be honest...I wanna kill Itadori too," Mahito says honestly.

An irk mark appeared on Jogo's head as he turned toward Mahito.

"Mahito! What?!" Jogo shouted.

"After seeing Satoru Gojo in person... Now that he's sealed, I'd say sorcerers and curses are about evenly matched. If Sukuna is revived and if the fox is on our side, we'd be the heavy favorites to win, right?" Mahito asks.

"Yeah, I'd say so," Kenjaku replied.

"Well then... As it stands, that means...we can still win, all things being equal."

An insane grin appeared on Mahito's lips. "Let's kill Itadori. It'll be fine. Even if Sukuna or the fox isn't around...we'll win."

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