The Origin of Obedience, Part 6

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" Wasp!!" The male shouts as he shows off a pair of wings that appeared on his back.

"Kugisaki!! Don't touch that blood!" Itadori exclaimed.

"I know!" Nobara replied.

The blood expands into even bigger wings as the attacker levitates in the air by blood manipulated legs.

"Start running and turn your backs to me."

Itadori and Nobara immediately turned around and started to run with the blood chasing after them.

"Kugisaki! Can you go faster?" Itadori asks.

"No! Way!" Nobara answers just as a piece of her hair burns when the blood touches it.

She then looked over, noticing how close the attack was following them.

"I got your back," Nobara says.

"Okay," Itadori states.

Nobara's eyes widened a bit when she felt herself get picked up. "Huh?"

Itadori speeds up his running with Nobara in his arms.

The male was surprised to see this. 'What speed! And while carrying another person!' He thought.

Itadori side-eyed the blood that was coming at him and Nobara just to escape the closed-in area.

"All right! We're out of range," Itadori smiles as he sets Nobara back onto her feet.

"Well done. You deserve some praise," Nobara joked.

"Yeah, yeah," Itadori replied.

"Just kidding, thanks!" Nobara beamed.

Itadori's eyes widen when he senses something behind him.

The pink-haired male pushes Nobara out of the way and gets hit directly by the curse's attack.

'It got here by taking the direct route!!' Itadori thought.

"Itadori!" Nobara shouts just to gasp out in pain as she is attacked from behind.

The left sleeve of her uniform burns away, showing the bare skin that the cloth protected.

"Tch!" Nobara tched out in pain.

"There's no need to worry. My younger brother's blood isn't the same quality as mine. You wouldn't even die from mine unless you were drowned in it. But it does hurt like hell. Our technique...starts now."

The blood that had landed on the duo starts to take shape and form into marks that trail up in the exposed areas that they've been hit at.

"What?" Nobara gasped out.

Itadori watched the markings grow on his and Nobara's figures.

"Membranes. Wounds. If you take in one of our blood...and if a brother activates a technique...decay will start spreading from the point of entry. I'd say about 15 minutes for that young man there. Ten minutes for you, miss. By morning, only your bones will be left," the male explains with a smirk on his lips.

'If it's a technique, we just need to deactivate it.' Itadori thought.

"So it is poison!" The pink-haired teenager exclaimed.

"Yes, the result is essentially poison. Our technique is "decay." now... What will you do?" The male replied while staring down at the two sorcerers as a memory came to mind.

"We're siding with that cursed spirit," a male with dark hair and purple eyes said.

"You sure about that, big brother? Those guys are shady," the male with a single lump of hair, asks.

"The future that the cursed spirit has painted is more suited for us. But that's it. Forget about owing them for our freedom. Listen, brothers. Eso, you will live for Kechizu. Kechizu, you will live for me. And I will live for Eso. We three are one!"

"If it's too painful...I can kill you now if you like," Eso says with an amused smile on his lips.

"Heh heh heh... A technique where you win if it hits, huh? You guys sure are strong. But, it's too bad... I'm a bad match...for you!!" Nobara exclaimed with a crazy grin on her lips.

Nobara pierces a nail covered in cursed energy into her wrist.

Eso and Kechizu felt shock through their bodies which caused their hearts to thump.

"Let's play a game of chicken, shall we?"

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