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"Sam! Saaam! Where are you, Saaam?!" The television says.

Itadori watched the movie with every single concentration he had, not moving a single inch.

The doll in his hands was snoozing away, which surprised Gojo in a way.

'Hm... he's actually...a pretty quick learner.' The white-haired male thought.

"Yuji," Gojo called out, scaring Itadori.

Itadori turned toward Gojo, the doll still sleeping on his lap. "Gojo-sensei?!" He exclaimed.

'There's no problem even if I talk to him.' Gojo thought proudly.

"What's up?!" Itadori asks.

'We should up the cursed energy on to the next step.'

"Let's get outta here, Yuji," Gojo replied.

"Huh?!" Itadori exclaimed.

"Let's go on a field trip with (Y/n) to...a high-end jujutsu battle. I'll teach you about... domain expansion," Gojo explains.

"Yuji and (Y/n)'s gonna be sitting in on today's class," Gojo says.

(Y/n) became dot-eyed. "You know I can fight...right?" He muttered, side-eyeing Jogo's figure.

"Weren't we just at the school, just, like, ten seconds ago? What's going on?" Itadori asks.

"Um, we jumped," Gojo answered.

'He doesn't plan on telling me.' Itadori thought in disbelief.

"Lemme goes," (Y/n) mumbled, just to be placed onto his feet, Itadori standing on the water not too long after.

'So Sukuna's vessel is alive after all. And his right-hand man, (Y/n) (L/n), the Harbinger of Trickery are here.' Jogo thought. He knew that (Y/n)'s title had changed throughout time, but he couldn't think of it, so he went with the old one he knew of.

"First, immobilize Satoru Gojo and remove him from the fight. Second, make an ally of Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, and (Y/n) (L/n). And third, it might be a little difficult... but retrieve the Mask of Trickery and Curses, and give it to (Y/n) (L/n)."

'We need Itadori alive. Did he bring them here knowing our plan?' Jogo wondered.

"What's with the kids? Gonna use them as a shield? Jogo rudely asked.

'Excuse me, sir. I'm over 1,000 years old... I am clearly not– oh, right. I chose the age of a young adult to fit in.' (Y/n) mentally argued before realizing that he was indeed the age of a young adult, which caused him to deadpan.

"A shield? No, no, no. Like I said, just a little lesson. I'm in the process of teaching this kid a lot of things. So don't worry. You do your thing," Gojo reassured.

"They're both going to be a liability for you. You fool," Jogo retorted.

Gojo laughed. "We should be good...since you're so weak," he replied.

Hearing this angers Jogo.


A shiver runs up Itadori's spine. 'He's...weak?'

(Y/n) stuff his hands into his pockets, and loom quietly over Itadori.

Gojo seems to notice Itadori's nervousness and pats his head.

"Don't worry. Just stay close," Gojo reassured the younger.

"Domain expansion: Coffin of the Iron Mountain!" Jogo shouts.

The surrounding areas disappear and change shape which spooks Itadori.

(Y/n) and Gojo seemed unbothered by the change as they stood still.

"What–?! What is it?!" Itadori exclaimed, his heart hammering against his chest.

"A domain expansion. An environment constructed with cursed energy and manifested through a cursed technique."


"Careful, idiot!"

A gentle smack was given to the back of Itadori's head by (Y/n).

"The domain you guys experienced at the facility was an unfinished one that wasn't manifested using a cursed technique. You guys, except for (Y/n), would have been dead if it was a proper domain. Megumi probably knew that. Constructing a domain uses a ton of cursed energy...but it can be worth it. First off, you get an upgrade in stats due to the environment. Kinda like a buff in video games. Also..." Gojo trails off just to move his arm forward and causes an incoming attack to shatter.

"Tch!" Jogo tsked.

'The average jujutsu sorcerer would have burned up by just entering my domain.' Jogo thought, annoyed.

"Cursed technique deployed in the domain...will always hit," Gojo says.

"Always?!" Itadori exclaimed in disbelief.

"Allllways," Gojo repeated.

"Can I please finish this? Gojoooooo," (Y/n) huffs out.

"No can do," Gojo replied.

"Daaammiit," (Y/n) complained before walking around in small circles in one place.

Gojo then continued with his explanation. "But no worries. There are counters. Hit it with jujutsu like I did. I don't recommend this, but you can also run away. Almost impossible. And..." He was then cut off by Jogo.

"Your Infinity! If we're here in my more potent jujutsu will now reach you, correct?" Jogo asks.

"Yup. It sure will," Gojo answers with a smile.

"Give me the prison realm. I'll add it to the collection!"

'I came here half seriously. If I couldn't kill him, it wouldn't be a big deal. But...he showed me...the difference in our power. And if (Y/n) was fighting me instead...he for sure wouldn't hold back and finish me off with one blow if he could. As a cursed spirit...with the pride of a new human... I won't accept it!' Jogo thought as he gritted his teeth.

"The most effective counter to domain to expand your own. When multiple domains are expanded at the same time, the more polished one will reign in supreme. It can also depend on compatibility and cursed energy," Gojo continues to explain while he starts to pull off his blindfold.

(Y/n) stopped walking and looked over at Jogo. "I'll let you summon the domain, I'm too lazy to do it."

Gojo just laughed while Itadori stared at (Y/n) in confusion.


"Domain expansion. Unlimited void!" Gojo says, his blue eyes in full view as he holds up a single-hand sign.

Jogo's eye widened as he watched his own domain get suppressed with Gojo's.

'What happened? Was my domain suppressed? I can't see anything... I can't feel anything... no. I can see everything!! I can feel everything!! The information has no end!! And because of that, I can't do anything!!' Jogo thought.

Gojo places a hand on top of Jogo's head. "You're inside the Limitless. Perception communication. The actions you take in life are forced upon you infinitely. Ironic, isn't it? Given everything, but unable to do anything. Dying slowly. I think I'll stop here...since there are some things I want to ask you," he says before ending his domain expansion, which causes the scene to change back into the forest.

"So... who sent you?" Gojo asks as he drops Jogo to the ground.

'He's the strongest jujutsu sorcerer! He's on a whole other level than us.' Itadori thought in awe.

'Not bad. But...I don't think he'll be strong enough to beat Sukuna once he gets all of his fingers.' (Y/n) thought, mentally sighing. 'But I can say this. I don't like this Jogo guy one bit.'

Off in the distance sat two figures.

"Yikes! Whaddaya think? Should we save him?"

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