Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 9

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Nobara could be seen talking with Itadori, Panda standing beside her.

On the other side of the wall they were hiding behind, you could see Megumi, Maki, Inumaki, and (Y/n) having a conversation with one another.

"What do you think about Maki?" Nobara asks.

'She'll be pissed no matter what I say!' Itadori thought, mentally panicking.

"Um... She's... A very... Nice lady..." Itadori nervously answers.

Nobara raised a brow at the male in front of her. "Huh? I'm talking about as a jujutsu sorcerer," she replied.

"Oh, that's what you meant. Phew..." Itadori sighed out in relief.

The trio then peeked over at the group.

"To be honest, I still don't know much about jujutsu and all that...but she's a tough fighter. Just by her poise and the way she walks, you can tell she's something else!" Itadori compliments.

"She's only Grade 4," Nobara explains.

Itadori gave a look of surprise. "Huh?! Really?" He asks.

"Her family of jujutsu sorcerers can be kind of a pain. She basically expelled herself from the family, so they've been getting in the way of her promotion," Nobara answers.

"But why wouldn't they want someone that strong?" Itadori gives a confused look as he rubs the side of his neck.

"They don't wanna accept someone they've already rejected. They're stupid that way," Nobara scoffed.

Panda then piped into the conversation. "However, if she does well in this'll be harder for them to interfere," he says.

Nobara then points a finger in Itadori's direction, glaring at him. "So we have to win the team event! You better put your life on the line!"

Itadori sweatdrops. "Yes, ma'am..."

"I can hear you!" Maki shouts.

Panda, Itadori, and Nobara jolts.

(Y/n) could be heard snickering softly since he could also hear the trio's conversation about Maki.

"Sheesh..." Maki huffed out. 'Don't worry about me...' She thought.

"Heh..." Maki chuckled lightly.

"What...are you laughing about?!" Mai shouts as she pulls the trigger of her gun, sending bullets straight at her sister

Maki quickly deflects the bullets with a grin on her lips.

'You thought you could get the jump on me? While keeping your distance as well?!' Mai looks around to see where Maki disappears off to, just to hear the branch under her feet loudly crack.


Mai falls toward the ground while pointing her gun straight at Maki's figure when she sees her.

The Kyoto student pulls the trigger once more to try and hit her sister with a flying bullet just to fail once more.

Maki was able to get in close and land a hit on Mai.

'I knew it! Maki has...something...I don't.' Mai thought as she gritted her teeth.

"Did you hear about the daughter of Ougi? One of them can't even see curses. She can't even use cursed techniques."

"I knew it. Twins are a bad omen."

"Maybe it's better this way."

"No one will notice since she's just a servant to the heir."


"Mai... Hurry up..." A young Maki says.

"I don't wanna. Something's there," a young Mai replied.

"Again?" Maki huffed out. "Fine, then..."

"No one's... Home..."

Maki walks up to her twin and grasps her hand. "Close your eyes," she ordered.

"Huh?" Mai questions.

"If you can't see it, then it's not even there."

Maki pulls a close-eyed Mai along with her, not noticing the cursed spirit off to the side sitting on one of the steps.


"So, are you leaving...Maki?" The 26th Head of the Zen'in family, Naobito Zen'in, asks.

"You've got enough people to take care of menial tasks. Don't worry about me, I'll be back sometime," Maki tells the man.

"What for?" Naobito questioned as he took one huge gulp from the sake he had in his hand.

"To become...the Head of the Zen'in family!" Maki declared.

Naobito burst out into laughter. "BWA HA HA! How about I make your life a little harder then? Do what you want. For Mai too!" He exclaimed.

Maki glared at the man in the corner of her eyes. "She has nothing to do with this!"

Not knowing that she was there, Mai had heard the whole conversation with a distant look in her eyes.


Several more shots were given but Maki kept dodging every single one of them as she went back to get closer once more.

'That's six shots. I'm not gonna let you reload.' Maki thought.

Mai stares at her sister with an indifferent look on her face, pointing her gun at the female that was moving closer.

'You... I hate you! That's why I never told you things first crush or my cursed technique.'

Maki's eyes widened when she realized what was happening the second a bullet flew right at her.

'That's why...I never told you anything.' A grin appears on Mai's lips.

Maki watches as the bullets near the middle of her forehead just to catch it instead.

"Tch!" Maki tched.

Mai's eyes widened in surprise. 'She... Caught the bullet!' She thought.

Maki opens her hand and lets the bullet freefall. "This isn't something that should be touched barehanded," she says.

Just a few minutes later, Mai was leaning up against a tree, a blade pointing straight at her.

"That's game, set, match...wouldn't you say?" Maki questions.

"Why...did you leave?" Mai quietly asks.

Maki gave a look of disbelief. "Huh?! You know why! You went to Jujutsu High too!" She exclaimed.

"I... I never wanted to be a jujutsu sorcerer! It's all your fault! Always trying your hardest! Forcing me to do the same! All this effort, pain, fear – I've had enough! What's so bad about being a servant?! What's wrong with doing chores and living a normal life?! Why didn't you...fall down the hole with me?" Mai cried out.

Maki stares quietly at her younger sister for a few moments. "If I had done that...I would've hated myself. It's as simple as that. Sorry," she apologized.

Mai's lips trembled as she clenched her teeth together.

"Big sis...don't let go, okay?"

"I won't."


"Sheesh, again?"

Mai followed after her twin, her eyes still closed shut.

"Promise me...that you won't leave me behind."

"Of course. We're sisters, right?"

Mai brings her knees up to her chest, digging her face into them as she wraps her arms around the two of them.

"Liar... I hate you!"

Mai Zen'in and Nobara Kugisaki have been eliminated.

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