The Shibuya Incident, Part 15

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(Y/n) stared down at the severely injured Mahito who was leaning against the wall.

The male turned around and walked off, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Mahito just watched the nine-tailed fox walk away as he tried to force himself to heal his injuries.

"See ya," (Y/n) waved a single hand before heading off.

'Now... Let's find that cursed spirit.' He thought as he turned a corner, leaving Mahito behind and alone.


Ino watched Toji slowly walk up to him, the man rolling up his sleeves.

'They used a seance technique to shapeshift! Is the old hag a necromancer?! But that's not really the issue. Who is this guy?! Is he some famous jujutsu sorcerer? I can tell with just one look...that he's ridiculously strong!' Ino thought.

"Number four. Ryu–" Ino begins to say but stops as his mask is snatched off his face.

Sweat started to roll down his face as he looked over his shoulder. 'He's fast!'

Not even a second later, Ino was met with a punch to the face.

Grabbing Ino by the front of his shirt, Toji starts to send a barrage of punches at the younger male's face, not bothering to stop.


Awasaka looked around as rabbits circled him.

'These shikigami seem to be more of a diversion... They might try to hit me with a lethal blow from behind the rabbits.' He thought.

Not even a second later, the rabbits disappeared back into the shadows which surprised the man.

'He deactivated the shikigami?!' Awasaka realized.

"They're gone! Did they run away?!" He loudly asked.

A giant figure from above could be seen falling before landing harshly on Awasaka's person.

It was Megumi's elephant shikigami.

The elephant's body was lifted from the ground, a grinning Awasaka being seen.

"Bwa ha ha! What the hell is this?!" Awasaka asks as the elephant shikigami disappears as well.

Megumi quickly jumped backward and landed on a nearby fence.

"Activating then deactivating... So restless! Man up and come at me!" Awasaka shouted.

"That's really more...his style," Megumi replied as he pointed off to the side.

Awasaka's eyes widened as he turned his attention to where Megumi was pointing.

Itadori was holding a car in his hands just to casually throw it straight at the man.

Due to the force, Awasaka was blown back even if he dug his heels into the ground.

'This kid's relentless! What raw power! I gotta be on my toes! Just keep attacking for now.' Awasaka tells himself as he tosses the car behind him.

Megumi quickly goes in for the next attack with the cursed tool he was carrying just to lean backward as Awasaka sends an upper punch and a blade in his direction.

'This guy's also revving himself up! Good, good.' Awasaka encouraged.

His eyes widened once more as he felt cursed energy to his right.

Itadori had covered himself in cursed energy so that he could attack Awasaka once more.

'Here it comes! A desperate full swing!' Awasaka side-eyed Itadori closely, watching the teenager move in closely toward him.

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