The Shibuya Incident, Part 24

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"Worthless. To think you'd lose to such an inferior opponent," Sukuna coldly says as he sits comfortably on top of his throne made out of skulls.


Choso stood in front of Itadori's severely injured figure, sweat rolling down his face.

A painful throb pulsated through his head once more which caused him to grab onto his hair and start walking away with a stumble.

"Ah. Ahh... Ah?" Choso choked out as he stumbled over to a nearby wall and leaned against it with a pained and panicked look on his face.

" this?" He asks himself as his eyes shake and sweat continues to roll down his face.

A memory of him and his two brothers, along with Itadori, came to mind with all four of them eating outside.

All of them were smiling.

"Here ya go, big bro!" Itadori says happily as he holds out a forkful of pasta on his fork toward Choso.

"What the hell is this? Why are you...?" Choso muttered. "Impossible... W-Why...?" He then grabbed onto a nearby wall and started to walk off.


"There he is..."

"He's alive... Right?"


Two girls could be seen standing in front of Itadori's slumped-over figure.

"Let's begin."

The girls, Nanako and Mimiko, looked quietly at Itadori's figure as they got ready to give the male whatever item they came forth to bring him.


"Satoru Gojo is sealed, correct? I can hardly believe it," Naobito scoffed.

"Yes. However, even if he is just a fake, Geto seems to be involved. We can assume that he is the cause of the mystery," Nanami confirmed.

Maki, Naobito, and Nanami could be seen walking down a staircase as they headed toward one of the lower floors.

"I for one wouldn't mind letting things be and bearing witness to the decline of the Gojo family," Naobito says, rubbing his chin with a chuckle escaping his lips.

"Go home if you're not gonna help," Maki bluntly tells him.

"Go home? I'd say that's more for you, Maki. Am I right, Grade 1 sorcerer Nanami?" Naobito asks.

"Maki. As far as this is concerned, I agree with Naobito," Nanami piped in.

"Pretty sure I'm more useful than a drunk," Maki replied, calling out the man.

Nanami turned his head to look at Naobito in annoyance. "You've been drinking?"

"Not eeeven one sssip! Hahh!" Naobito grumbled.

'Maybe I was better off on my own...'

Maki and Nanami stayed in step together while Naobito went at his own pace.

"Nanami," Maki says when she sees something up ahead behind one of the pillars.

"Yes, I see it," Nanami replied, confirming to Maki he saw what she was seeing too.

"Bwoohoo... Bwoo..." The cursed womb looked at the sorcerers, waiting to see what they would do.

"Leave this to me," Nanami says as he walks forward just from him and Maki to tense up.

"You two...are a little too slow," Naobito said as he held up the cursed womb in a glass-like material and punched it, shattering the object and sending the curse womb flying into a nearby pillar.

"Did you see what happened?" Maki asked as she and Nanami tried to understand what just happened.

"No..." Nanami trailed off.

'That was a cursed technique... Wasn't it? Even so... That was too fast.' Nanami thought.

"Bwoo... Hwoo... H-Hwoo... Hwoo!" The cursed womb cried out just to cough up human remains.

"Heh. You little... How many did you eat?" Naobito asks when he sees how many human remains littered the ground.

"Bwoo... Hwoo... Jogo. Mahito. Hanami." The cursed womb cried out before remembering the death of Hanami. "Hana...mi. How dare you... How dare you...kill..."

A grin appeared on Naobito's lips as he stared at the cursed womb in amusement.

"...Hanami?!" The cursed womb yelled before shedding out of its smaller form.

"No wonder you were so weak... You were just a cursed womb," Naobito states.

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