The Shibuya Incident, Part 31

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Megumi stood across from Toji, his eyes narrowed at the man.

'Thanks to Inumaki, the civilians and the transfigured humans are gone. I can concentrate on the opponent in front of me. Try to visualize winning against this guy. Visualize...winning...' The raven-haired teenager thought.

"Rabbit escape!" Megumi exclaimed as he brought his hands up to make the shape of a rabbit.

Toji's eyes widened as he watched as a horde of rabbits appeared from the teenager's shadow.

'That presence I just felt was Sukuna's finger! What the hell is going on in Shibuya?!' Megumi wondered as the rabbit shikigami circled him.

Toji's presence made Megumi immediately get out of the way which was a good idea because Toji had charged in which caused the shikigami to break its formation.

'He instinctively charged in! I don't have enough cursed energy left for domain expansion. And it wouldn't be strong enough to trap him anyway. I'm out of things that might distract him. The longer this drags out, the worse it'll get. Gotta end this quickly. My sole advantage...' Megumi trailed off in thought as sweat rolled down the side of his face.


"Principal... We got some cursed corpses here too... Junpei and I will be fine on our," Shoko says as she takes a deep breath of her cigarette just to blow it out from between her lips.

"Not a chance. If the enemy finds out about this place, they'll come straight to kill you two... Shoko," Masamichi replied.

The female looked at the man beside her. "You're overreacting."

"Overreacting? Using reverse cursed technique to heal others... That's something not even Satoru can do. Ino and Ijichi would've died if you and Junpei weren't here," Masamichi states.

Shoko gave an amused smile. "That's thanks to your quick thinking, Principal. It would've been too late if I had come after Nanami called. It was also to free up Nanami. Having him stay on phone duty would've been a waste."

"I quit smoking," Masamichi says, changing the topic of the conversation.

"I'm just feeling..." Shoko trails off as she stubbed the cigarette she had into the railing. "... Nostalgic about my student days," she finished.


Megumi could be seen running with his rabbit shikigami as Toji chased after him.

As Toji attacked the teenager, something grabbed Megumi by the waist and pulled the boy down a narrow alleyway which made Toji look in that direction.

Megumi skidded on his feet as he stared at the raven-haired man in front of him.

'My sole that Ieiri is here in Shibuya! This monster took out a special-grade cursed spirit. My shikigami are no match for him. Plus I have to save my shikigami for the fights to come. Any risks I take have to come at the expense of my own body!! I need to limit my injuries to something Ieiri can handle so I can get back to battle right away. I narrowed down his options.' A sigh left Megumi's lips.

The rabbits surrounded Megumi and Toji's feet as they stood in the narrowed alleyway.

'His speed rivals Sukuna's, but without using cursed energy. He's like Maki, but fully realized. Just seeing him is near impossible. I have to predict the timing of his movements. If I mess up the timing, I'm dead. If I mess up the timing...I'm dead–' Megumi's eyes widened as he watched Toji rush at him.

A pained grunt left Megumi's lips as he was stabbed in the abdomen by Toji's attack but at the same time, Toji's figure seemed to have sunk into the ground.

'Got him! I've diverted his attack!' Megumi mused as he pulled out the weapon he carried around just to swing the blade into Toji's side.

However, instead of hitting the man head-on, Toji had avoided the attack and now stood away at a good distance away from the teenager.

'Dammit! How the hell...did you dodge that?!' Megumi thought in disbelief.

"Now what?" The raven-haired teenager asked.

'Am I gonna have to do it...?!' He wondered.

Toji stood quietly, his eyes widened as he stared at the boy in front of him.

As if recognizing who Megumi was.

"Even though he's my kid...he's definitely got potential. If his cursed technique manifests around five or six...handing him over to you guys won't be a problem. But that depends on the money, of course. I'll be expecting eight for an inherited technique. Seven without it," Toji says as he sends a grin toward the man he was talking to.

"Hmph! We'll give you ten if he possesses an inherited technique."

Another voice appeared in Toji's head, one he missed so dearly.

"Take care of Megumi, okay?"

"Hey. What's your name?" Toji asks.

"Fushiguro..." Megumi answers, confused on why Toji had asked that.

"Not Zen'in, huh? Good for you," Toji says as he turns Playful Cloud on him and stabs the sharp part into his head.

Megumi watched as Toji's body dropped lifelessly to the ground, blood splattering across the ground.

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