Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 0

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The Tokyo students were currently in a building having a team meeting.

Itadori was sitting on the ground, holding a picture frame up against his face.

"Don't you think this is a bit harsh?" Itadori asks just to get ignored, "Um... Excuse me..."

"Just sit there and shut up," Nobara huffed out.

"C'mon, he explained himself. You should just forgive him already," Panda spoke up.

"It talks!" Itadori exclaimed when he heard Panda talk.

"Salmon. Salmon," Inumaki affirms.

"Inumaki is a cursed-speech user. He can increase and strengthen the spirit of words. For safety reasons, he limits his vocabulary," Megumi explains.

"So, if he tells me to die, that'll happen? He's so powerful!" Itadori says in awe.

(Y/n) felt a weight on his forearm, which caused him to look down and notice Inumaki.

Inumaki had leaned his head against (Y/n)'s arm.

The taller male didn't push the shorter off since it didn't bother him.

"It's not that simple. It depends on the command's level of difficulty. The bigger the command, the more it takes out of him. In the worst case, his words might come right back at him. He limits his vocabulary to also protect himself," Panda explained.

"Gotcha. How is it that you can talk?" Itadori questions.

"Revealing someone else's technique like that..." Nobara muttered.

"It's not an issue. Toge's on a different level. Anyway... Yuji," Maki replied before calling out to Itadori.

Itadori turns his head as he watches Maki walk over to him with her hand out.

"Give back demon slaughter. Satoru lent it to you, right?" Maki says.

Itadori freezes up as he remembers what happened to the weapon.

"Gojo-sensei... Has it..." Itadori replied.

(Y/n) and Megumi stared at Itadori with a deadpan look, both of them knowing what happened to the weapon since they were both there when it broke.

"Tch! That blindfolded idiot," Maki scoffed.

"So, the team battle's format is as we expected. We've got two extra people now. Do we have time to change plans?" The raven-haired female asks as she sits down.

"Fish flakes," Inumaki spoke up from where he was sitting.

"It depends on Yuji and (Y/n). What can you two do?" Panda questions.

"Punch and kick," Itadori answers.

"We've got enough of those..." Panda trails off.

"Long-range and short-range combat," (Y/n) casually replied.

The other second-years shared a look when they heard (Y/n) say that, curious about what he meant by that.

"I don't know what they were up to while they were gone...but if it comes down to a brawl without any cursed energy involved... Itadori would win," Megumi says. "(Y/n) is a special case, he's a tricky one but he surely would win with cursed energy," he adds.

Inumaki, Maki, and Panda stare at Megumi in surprise.

A grin appears on Maki's lips. "Interesting," she replied.


"Kill Sukuna's vessel, Yuji Itadori. Do not consider the target human. We'll take care of the cleanup and make it look like an accident. There's no need to hold back," Gakuganji says.

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