Pushing Forward

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A waiter stared at a specific table with fear clearly being seen on his face, sweat rolling down his face as his eyes trembled. 'I've always been the responsible type. Most of my pay goes toward saving up to help send my four younger sisters-in-law to college. Even a man like me...can't deny this primal sense of fear. If I get close to that table...I'll die!' He thought.

"Prison realm...? You have it!? That taboo object!?" The cursed spirit shouts in excitement.

"Calm down, Jogo. It's getting hot," the raven-haired male says.

Several workers were whispering among themselves while looking over at the table.

One of the said workers ran out after declaring that he quit without a second thought.

After a bit more talking, a man with his hair slicked back came walking over. "Sorry, are you ready to or...der?" He asks just to be set up in flames.

Screams were heard not too long after that.

"I'd rather you not cause a commotion," the raven-haired male says.

"How about this?" Jogo asks with a smirk, sending nearly everyone nearby up into flames, burning them alive.

The man coughed into a fist as he waved his hand. "Good thing I didn't choose an expensive restaurant," he muttered.

"Geto. How strong am I in terms of Sukuna fingers?" Jogo asks.

"Being generous...I'd say about eight or nine," Geto says with a smirk on his lips.

"That's plenty! Give me the prison realm! I'll add it to the collection! In exchange...I'll kill...Satoru Gojo!" Jogo loudly declared.


"By the time we got to the scene...your son was already dead. To be honest, I wasn't sure about...saving people in that facility. But my friends thought otherwise. We weren't able to save him. Even after we confirmed his death...they tried to bring back his body. I managed to...get this," Megumi says as he hands over a name tag in a little plastic bag.

The woman stares at the name tag with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry we couldn't...save Tadashi's life," Megumi apologized as he bowed.

"Please, don't apologize. I'm the only person...who will grieve for him," the woman sobs out.


"You're late, Megumi!" Maki scolds.

"Kelp," Inumaki greets.

Panda was currently chasing Nobara around the field while the others were watching.

"Where were you?" Maki asks.

"Does it matter?" Megumi replied.

(Y/n) looks over for a quick moment before turning away to ignore the rest of the conversation that was happening behind him.

He quietly twirled a sucker in his mouth as he brought his attention down to his phone realizing that someone had texted him.

The (H/c)-haired male ignored Nobara's yells as she was thrown with Inumaki trying to catch her.


"...How to control cursed energy. And you need to learn a bit of jujutsu," Gojo says.

Itadori smiles brightly, confusing Gojo.

"What's up?" Gojo asks.

"It's just that if I'm gonna learn...I'm glad it's from you, Gojo-sensei. I'm weak and couldn't help anyone. I even almost got Fushiguro and (Y/n) killed. I can't see them yet, not the way I am now. I want to become strong. Please teach me how to become the strongest!" Itadori declared.

Chuckles escaped Gojo's lips. "Heh heh... you've got a good eye," he says.

"You're the one who dubbed yourself the strongest!" Itadori points out, just to get ignored.

"Please pay attention to the cans over there, thank you."

Itadori turns his attention over to the two cans as instructed.

Both of the cans spewed out whatever liquid was inside of them as they were both crushed by an invisible force.

"Whoa!" Itadori gasps out in awe.

"This is cursed energy," Gojo says as he points at the can that is lying on its side. "And this is cursed technique," he then points at the crushed can that was twisted.

Itadori squinted heavily as he placed a hand on his chin. "Right, I don't get it."

"Okay, let's see... think of cursed energy as electricity...and cursed technique as electronics. It's difficult to use electricity by itself, right? So you use electricity to power electronics. This way you can gain a variety of uses. I just hit this with cursed energy. As for this, cursed energy flowed in a technique...to activate it. Then I used jujutsu to twist the can," Gojo explains as if it was science class.

"That means...I'm gonna learn a badass cursed technique!" Itadori exclaimed.

"Nope. You're unable to use jujutsu, Yuji. Other than simple shikigami or barriers...the ability to use cursed techniques is intrinsic. So a jujutsu sorcerer's skill set is about 80 percent innate talent," Gojo states.

Itadori becomes pale and flops to the ground as if he were a piece of paper.

"You okay?" Gojo asks.

"I just thought I could use thunder, or fire, or maybe a powerbomb," Itadori babbled on different power moves which amused Gojo.

"Forget about that. For now, let's focus on improving your strengths. We'll apply cursed energy to your physical attacks!" Gojo declared.


"Hm? Where are you going, (Y/n)?" Maki asks, taking notice of how the said male stood up from where he was originally sitting and was now walking off.

"Just somewhere more secluded, I'll be back in an hour or two," (Y/n) answers with a small wave over his shoulder.

Maki sighed but nodded her head in understanding. She could tell that the male was holding back, which is probably why he wanted to be in a more secluded area so that he didn't injure all of them.

"You better be back in an hour or two," she scolds.

"Will do," (Y/n) simply replied, before disappearing from Maki and the group's eyesight.


"This place looks good," (Y/n) looks around at the secluded area that he found that was thankfully surrounded by water.

The male reached a single (S/c) hand out and watched a blue wisp of flames spark to life.

A set of fox ears and nine-tails seemed to appear behind him for a quick moment before disappearing.

A wide grin appeared on (Y/n)'s lips.

"Even if I do destroy the surrounding area, I can just reverse everything to how it originally was."

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