Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 4

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Itadori covers his hands with cursed energy. His left hand closed into a fist, and his right hand opened and pointed toward him as he got into a fighting stance that had his knees shoulder-length.

The pink-haired male leaned his upper body a bit forward as he sent a punch straight to Todo's face.

A grin could be seen on Todo's lips. 'He's using a vertical jab, leading from the left, in response to my horizontal strike! He's completely different from a moment ago! He's growing!' He thought, proud.

As Todo brings a punch up close to Itadori's face, Itadori grasps Todo's right wrist with his right hand and grabs the said male by the back of his head.

Without a second thought, Itadori sweeps a foot underneath both of Todo's feet with a hold still on him, allowing the taller male to fall backward.

'He's breaking me down with such beauty!' Todo mused with a grin.

With his grasp off of the back of Todo's head, he uses his free hand to send a punch covered in cursed energy toward the male he had a grip on.

'His face is wide open! I can get him! Even with divergent fist!' Itadori thought.

Snapping his eyes open, Todo intercepted the incoming punch that was coming toward him with his forehead which surprised Itadori.

Todo gets up onto his feet, holding onto the wrist that Itadori had hit him with.

"That's not what I want you to devour. Your divergent fist...stems from the cursed energy flow left behind by your superhuman speed," Todo says as he pushes Itadori's hand a way to meet eye-to-eye.

Itadori looked surprised as he listened closely.

"That's quite the technique. I'd say your average jujutsu sorcerer wouldn't know what's happening. The force behind your attack is nothing to scoff at either... Or it wouldn't be if I were your average sorcerer! It's useless...against a special grade," Todo explains.

Itadori's eyes widened in horror as memories about Mahito flooded through his mind.

"What friend?" Todo asks.

"... I'll apply my cursed energy at the exact moment my strike hits at full strength," Itadori answered seriously.

"Then your cursed energy delayed?" Todo asks.

Before Itadori could answer, Todo continued to talk.

"It's because of how you're...flowing cursed energy," Todo states.

"Weren't we talking about increasing the speed of flow?" Itadori asked in surprise.

"Most sorcerers have to consciously...make cursed energy flow. Like when you feel anger in your belly or a bad gut feeling... Cursed energy nurtured on said to start from the belly and flow throughout the body."

Todo allows his cursed energy to appear, coursing over his body like a flickering flame.

"Starting from the belly, through the chest...the shoulders, arms and to the fists. That is how cursed energy flows. Thinking of your own body as disparate body what delays your energy. You're not wrong in trying to flow cursed energy. But that's just the first step. You can't get stuck there. The flow of energy for an elite sorcerer is difficult to read. But for different reasons than you," Todo teaches.

"Do we think with our stomach? Do we use our mind to express rage? Listen up, Itadori. We exist in this world...with our entire body, mind, and soul. It's so obvious that...most everyone has taken that maxim for granted."

Itadori stares at Todo with wide eyes before becoming serious.

"Todo... Thank you. I think...I get it now," Itadori says as he reaches his hand out.

"Looks like...we're done talking," Todo smirks as he and Itadori place their hands near each other.


"Hey, you there. Your principal...gave orders to kill Itadori, didn't he?" Nobara asks as she looks at Momo.

"Um..." Momo trailed off, feeling nervous.

'She's got good intuition... could be Panda.' Momo thought.

"What're you talking about?" She asks.

Nobara rubs the side of her neck. "You don't have to keep it a secret. I'm planning on killing you guys too. Especially Mai... You know the watered-down Maki," she replied.

Slight anger appeared on Momo's face. "Wha–?!" She muttered.

"Is that all you can say? Even a tin can would give a better response," Nobara taunted.

' do get angry.' Nobara thought in amusement.

"Come to think of it, you have a tin can on your team!" She continued to taunt. "I think I'll just dump his scraps off somewhere..."

Panda watched Nobara taunt Momo. 'Yeesh, scary...' He thought.

A glint captures Panda's attention in the corner of his eye.

Nobara's eyes widen as she hears Panda hit the ground with a thud.

"Panda!" Nobara shouts as she turns to look at him in worry.

"He's a cursed corpse. He'll be fine, but we'll be staying here for a while. So... Who's a tin can now?" Mechamaru says as he shows himself from where he was hiding.

Momo flies down on her broom.

"Mechamaru, wait. I want to personally teach this first-year a lesson. Get ready to learn...about the hardships Mai has to go through. And what it means for a woman to be a sorcerer!"

"Fooled ya!" Panda pops back up surprising the trio that surrounded him with a smile as he casually punches Mechamaru in the face.

"Wanna take the spotlight now? You should've stayed in the shadows as support. Anyway, we should get along, especially since we're both...cursed corpses," Panda states.

Mechamaru clenched his teeth.

"Well, lookit that... You're nothing but a doll!" Mechamaru replied as he turned to look at Panda.

"Sheesh. What happened to hunting curses?" Panda dramatically says.

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