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"This is fun, huh? You have no sense of danger at all," Jogo points out with a creepy smile on his face.

'He lured me out to where there's no one around. No, it's to make sure I can't call for support.' Gojo thought.

"Ember Insects."

Jogo sends out about a good dozen bugs that seem to have stingers coming out of their mouths.

'Well, it was the right move to target me.' Gojo smiles in amusement.

"No sense of danger, huh?" Gojo says as the bugs buzzed right at him, just to pause all of a sudden. "What happens if it stings me?" He asks.

Every single bug started to release a loud screech.

'Sound?' The white-haired male thought before jumping out of the way as the bugs all exploded, making a huge explosion from where he once stood.

"Combining sonic and explosive attacks...? Not bad," Gojo compliments as he lands on his feet, Jogo coming up from his side with a fist covered in cursed energy.

Jogo swiped his hand at Gojo's head, sending it up into flames.

"There's more!" He exclaimed and pushed his hand onto Gojo's figure, sending out an attack at him once more.

"Is that it? So that guy was exaggerating. Humans these days are weak. They don't live in truth. Deplorable. Makes me sick. Real strength. And the truth. Through death, it will be spread," Jogo grumbled as he turned away.

"This away?" Gojo asks, making Jogo widen his eye. "When are you gonna learn?" Gojo waves his hand to brush away the smoke in front of his face.

Jogo slowly turns toward the sorcerer. "How–?"

"Um...the short version? It didn't hit me," Gojo explains.

"You're lying! That's not what I saw. I killed you!" Jogo shouts.

"What you touched...was the Infinity between us," Gojo replied.

Jogo stares at Gojo in silence.

"Here, I'll show ya. Put out your hand," Gojo says.

'There's no killing intent... it can't hurt to find out.' Jogo thought before reaching a hand out.

"See?" Gojo smiles when he sees the gap between his and Jogo's hands.

'I can't touch him! My hand drops just before... this is Infinity?' Jogo thought in disbelief.

"I'm not stopping you. It's more like you're slowing down the closer you get. So, whaddya think? Wanna...hold hands?" Gojo teased as he placed his hand on Jogo's.

"No thanks," Jogo grits out.

"Don't be shy. You're making me feel embarrassed," Gojo starts to intertwine his hand with Jogo's.

"Why you–!"

Gojo says nothing as he pulls Jogo in closer just to attack him.

'So fast!! It's not just a cursed energy-infused attack! What is it?! I don't understand it, but I have to!' Jogo mused.

"There's more," Gojo casually says before sending in another attack which sent Jogo falling to the ground.

"Infinity is something that's naturally there. I just bring it into reality. Convergence and divergence... if you touch this empty space, what would happen?"

"Cursed Technique Reversal: Red."

Jogo's eye widened as he was sent blown backward into the many trees and into an opening.

Gojo chased after him, keeping his hidden eyes on the cursed spirit closely.

"RAAHH!" Jogo yells as he sends a beam attack straight at Gojo, who disappears.

Gojo reappears right behind Jogo's figure and sends him flying with a single strong kick into the cursed spirit's back.

"Oh. This is the perfect opportunity," Gojo says as he realizes something.

Jogo lands in the water as he remembers what Geto told him.

"Sure, you can try, Jogo. But you'll die."

Jogo slowly got up onto his feet, chuckling. 'He wasn't kidding. If I can't hit him...I'll just bring him into my domain. Where'd he go?'

"Sorry 'bout that. Thanks for waiting," Gojo apologized as he held Itadori and (Y/n) in his hold.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" (Y/n) shouts.

"Wha–?! Where are we?!" Itadori asks loudly.

Jogo's eye widened when he saw the two other people that Gojo brought with him. "They're...?!" He trailed off in shock. 'Sukuna's vessel and the nine-tailed fox!' He thought.

"Yuji and (Y/n)'s gonna be sitting in on today's class," Gojo explained.

(Y/n) eyes Itadori and deadpanned when he realized that the pink-haired male must've made some agreement with Sukuna to heal his heart. "You piece of shit," he grumbled. 'Sukuna may be a damn tsundere half of the time...but he's a dumbass through and through.'

"Mt. Fuji! His head is Mt. Fuji!" Itadori shouts before looking over at (Y/n). "Oh, uhm... hi, (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) just lazily waves.

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