The Shibuya Incident, Part 11

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"Let's kill Itadori. It'll be fine. Even if Sukuna and the fox aren't around...we'll win," Mahito states.

"Are you serious?" Jogo asks.

"I'm serious, for real real," Mahito answers.

Jogo stared in silence for a few moments before deciding to speak. "It's true, Sukuna and the fox aren't necessarily our allies. If he's revived, we might even suffer as well. But if that happens... The era of the curses will surely come. We're different from the humans of this time! We do not fear death as we walk the honest path to achieve our goal. That's the curses' ethos that those fake humans don't have!" Jogo exclaimed.

"Nah, that's not right. Even if we lose our way or are inconsistent...we undoubtedly live according to our desires. That is what we curses are. Oh... And when I said it wasn't right, that was in regard to our way as cursed. The plan to revive Sukuna and get the fox on our side is definitely a legitimate strategy. I have no plans to fight you, let's make a game out of it," Mahito replied.

The silence was the only thing heard between the two for a few moments before Mahito continued talking.

"If I encounter Itadori first, I'll kill him. Jogo, if you find him first, you can offer him the fingers to restore Sukuna's powers," Mahito states.

"And if I find him first, I kill him... Okay?" Choso spoke up.


"Oh, you wanna play too, Choso? Of course that's okay!" Mahito agreed.

Mahito then turned his attention to Kenjaku.

"Geto, you're probably more in line with Jogo, right? What're you gonna do?" Mahito asks.

"I have to keep an eye on Prison realm. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pass. Do as you wish. Sukuna and the fox are nothing more than contingency plans if Prison realm doesn't work out," Kenjaku answers.

"How idiotic!" Jogo spoke up. "All the sorcerers, Itadori included...are headed this way to rescue Gojo. You should wait here. But then that wouldn't be much of a game," he states.

"Ready, go!!" Mahito ran up the nearest stairs.

Choso looked at Kenjaku and Jogo with a smug look on his face before following Mahito.

"Hey! Wait up!!" Jogo shouted as he chased after the two.

"I'd say the curses are smarter than you guys," Kenjaku says.

"Give him back. We co-operated with you...and kept killing those monkeys," a girl with dark-colored hair says.

"Give back Master Geto's body as promised," another girl said from beside the first one.

"Don't you dare play with...Master Geto's body...any longer."

Kenjaku gave an amused chuckle. "Have you lost your minds? I don't remember taking out your brains too. Next time you make a deal with a sorcerer, make sure it's a binding vow. Now go. Or would you like to be killed by this body?"

"You'll regret that," the girls made their way back into the crowd.

"Regret, huh? I've forgotten what that feels like," Kenjaku sat down on the ground in front of the Prison realm before realizing something.

"Mirai. Hiro."

A cursed spirit with two heads could be seen.

"Yes?" The left head, Mirai, cheerfully asks.

Kenjaku felt a smirk crawl on his lips.

"Go after the nine-tailed fox and give him this," he says as he hands over a mask.

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