The Shibuya Incident, Part 12

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Ino and Megumi watched as Itadori punched the curtain with all his force which shocked the older male in the

Megumi didn't seem bothered by this since he'd seen how strong Itadori was physically during missions.

"No luck. It won't even budge," Itadori says.

"G-Good try," Ino stuttered out due to the surprise he felt.

'Seriously?! If we're talkin' straight striking power, he might be on Nanami's level. But that's the problem.' Ino sweatdropped.

"It's an incredibly sturdy curtain. We have to find a weak spot...and try and make a hole there," Megumi explains as his divine dog was seen chomping away at cursed spirits.

Itadori came walking over, kicking away a nearby cursed spirit.

"There's no point if we can't even get inside," Megumi continued.

"What? Why?" Itadori curiously asks.

Ino decided to speak up. "Because... This curtain is prohibiting sorcerers from entering. It's a barrier. Barriers are for protection...and providing cover, right? In theory, the one who cast the curtain should be inside," he answered.

" Harajuku–" Itadori replied.

"I see!" A look of realization came across Ino's face. "By staying outside the curtain...the caster increases the risk of being seen or attacked, return, the curtain's strength increases... Kinda like the egg of Columbus... Wait, but that completely ignores the basics of barrier techniques! We're dealing with some crazies! That would explain why Itadori's punch didn't work," he says.

Megumi listened closely to the conversation before speaking. "If that's true, then the curtain's source of origin...should be somewhere obvious," he points out.

"The payoff for the increased risk of being a much more powerful curtain," Ino agreed.

"Somewhere... Obvious," Itadori muttered before looking upward.


"I wonder if the sorcerers will notice... This is the most obvious place for the curtain's source, right?" Awasaka asks as he walks over to Ogami and her grandson.

"Probably. But...even if they notice..." The grandson spoke up.

"Yeah. The bottom of the tower is swarming with transfigured humans. I doubt they'd be able to get here so quickly," Awasaka agreed.

The grandson's eyes widened when he felt a presence behind him.

Itadori and Ino hopped off of Nue and landed in front of the curse users who were protecting the curtain's source.

A wire surrounded Awasaka, Ogami, and the grandson but they quickly got out of the way.

'Do these guys know about...the curtains cast by the others?!' Awasaka wondered.

"So, this is where the curtain originates..." Ino trails off.

"Mei also thinks that it already has a barrier technique imbued in it...and all that's left is for someone to charge it with cursed energy," Itadori states.

"Which means that as long as we break it first, we can worry about the curse users later," Megumi says.

"Yup," Ino confirmed.

Ino appears before the curtain's seal. 'All right! All according to plan!' He thought before noticing something. 'There were three?!' He quickly breaks the seal by stomping on it.

Ino looked over his shoulder, noticing how the curtain was still there. 'The curtain prohibiting sorcerers from entering is still there. Where are the other two–' He wondered.

The sound of rushing footsteps grabbed Ino's attention as he watched Itadori run after Awasaka.

'It's him!!' Ino's eyes widened a bit when he saw the other two seals in Awasaka's hand.

Itadori wrapped the wire with Nue's help around Awasaka's figure and jumped down from the building and to the streets below.

A grunt of surprise left Awasaka's lips as he took in his situation. 'He tied me up so quickly! They're planning to drop me to the ground!!' He thought.

"Fushiguro! Deactivate Nue!!" Itadori shouts as he snaps the wire while crashing through a window.

The pink-haired teenager skidded on his feet, a sigh escaping his lips.


"My grandchild," Ogami says as she holds her glass beads in her hands.

"Yeah. I got this, Grandma," the grandson replied as he approached Ino.

"Now that I'm in charge of these impressionable kids...I better do my part and start paving my path to..." Ino pulled his beanie over his face, wearing it as a mask. "...becoming...a Grade 1 sorcerer!" He declared.


"Fushiguro!" Itadori exclaimed as he approached Megumi with a cursed spirit in his arm that he tossed while kicking another one away. "Where is he?" He asks.

"There," Megumi answered.

The duo cautiously approached Awasaka, keeping a close eye on the man.

"I didn't see him land. And the body's too clean. It doesn't matter if he's a curse user. He fell 41 stories. Get sneaky old bastard!" Megumi ordered.

Awasaka sat up with a grumble. "Sheesh," he then got up onto his feet. "Kids these no pity for the elderly."

"We can't afford to waste our time here," Megumi states.

"We won't," Itadori replied with cursed energy covering his fists.


(Y/n) approached the paralyzed Mahito while releasing a heavy sigh from his lips.

"I see that Kenjaku and the others have gotten to the mask that I had Tengen keep an eye on for safety precautions," he states.

"What do you want?" Mahito finally asks, shifting into a fighting stance even though it wasn't much.

"You see. I just want to retrieve something that's mine, so I guess you say I'm feeling a bit... Playful. So, Mahito. Do you wanna play a game?" A grin appeared on (Y/n)'s lips as he stops in front of Mahito.

Mahito stood silently as he watched (Y/n) with a cautious look on his face.

(Y/n) reached out a hand and grabbed Mahito's face. "I know what game we can play. How about..."

Mahito watched as (E/c)-hues sparkled with an emotion he wasn't familiar with.


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