Young Fish and Reverse Punishment, Part 2

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"Doggie...good...doggie..." The cursed spirit croaked out once more before darting straight at (Y/n)'s figure with its mouth wide open, showing the multiple rows of teeth that it had.

(Y/n) ducks the incoming attack, just to strike his hand upward and grab the curse's one of many legs that it had just to send it slamming into the ground, causing it to cough up the purple blood its body had.

The male could hear Itadori and Nanami fight the other cursed spirits until all of a sudden Nanami spoke up.

"Itadori!! (L/n)!!" Nanami shouts.

"What now?!" Itadori asks.

(Y/n) looks over with the cursed spirit swinging upside down in his hand.

"Stop attacking!" Nanami ordered.

"Why now?" Itadori huffs out.

"Phooey," (Y/n) pouted.

"Take a look," Nanami walks over and shows the duo a picture.


"I took a photo of my opponent."

"What? I thought curses don't show up..."

(Y/n) looks over Nanami's shoulder, taking notice of a human arm instead of an empty space on the ground.

"Please stay calm and listen. What we were fighting..." Nanami trails off, Itadori's eyes widening.


"They're humans! Actually...more like ex-humans. The same as the three in the theater. Their bodies were transmogrified using jujutsu," Shoko says from the phone.

"If that was it, I would've noticed. The three we fought possessed cursed energy like a curse."

"We're going to have to ask the murderer about that technique. However, there's evidence the brain stems were modified. Their consciousness was also modified to create a state of confusion. It might be possible to give cursed energy to humans if you could manipulate their brains in such a way. The connection between the brain and cursed energy is shrouded in mystery, after all," Shoko explains.

"Hey... is Itadori and (L/n) there?" Shoko asks.

"Yeah. We're here," Itadori answered.

"Their cause of death was due to...a lethal shock to the system because of cellular transmogrification."

(Y/n) leans forward a bit to listen more into the conversation.

"You two didn't kill them."

'I know we didn't.' (Y/n) thought as he leaned against the palm of his hand.

"Don't you two dare think otherwise," Shoko states.

"Okay..." Itadori trails off.

Nanami leaned forward to end the call.

"For me, the gravity of death is the same regardless... but this... this isn't right!" Itadori exclaimed with an upset expression on his face.

Nanami stared at Itadori for a few moments before looking over at the indifferent look that was (Y/n)'s face, as if he'd seen this one too many times which kinda confused him.

He could tell that Itadori was a genuine kid who got upset over other people's deaths. But (Y/n)? He didn't seem bothered by this information at all.

"The residuals were a front. They were meant to lure us out. They're skilled. This matter won't be taken care of so easily," Nanami says as he gets up onto his feet. "Let's do this."

"Right!" Itadori loudly agreed.

"Got it," (Y/n) casually piped in.


"There are spirits known as special grade potential spirits. Cursed spirits are a culmination of cursed energy leaked from humans. An image of fear shared by the masses, even if not real... can manifest as a powerful curse," Mahito explains.

"An image of fear shared by the masses... like famous monsters or ghosts?" The brunette, Junpei, asks.

"Yup. Like Hanako or the nine-tailed fox. Jujutsu sorcerers brand such entities as "special grade potential spirits" and fear much as powerful unidentified curses. The fact that they categorize them as such really shows their shallowness," Mahito answered.

"But what people fear the most aren't those fairy tales, right?"

Junpei stays quiet for a few moments as he brings a hand up to his chin. "...Natural disasters?"

Mahito sits up and smiles down at Junpei. "Talking with so easy."

An embarrassed look appeared on Junpei's face. "Huh? Really?"

"The earth, the forest, the sea. People have always feared them. The cursed energy directed at them was so massive that...before they could take form, they gained consciousness and remained in hiding. I'm proud to call them my friends," Mahito says.

"Mahito... what are you born from?" Junpei asks.

"People," Mahito then leans back into the hammock. "Thanks to the hatred spewed between people...I was born."

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