The Origin of Obedience, Part 8

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"Don't worry. I'll be sending big brother your way soon," Nobara says with a smirk being seen on her lips.

"Kechizu..." Eso whispered.

"We three are one."

'I'm sorry, big brother. Even though I was here, I wasn't able to protect him.' Tears fell Eso's cheeks as he took in that he wasn't able to keep Kechizu safe.

Nobara looked down and noticed that the curse she had fought, wasn't a curse at all.

'Why hasn't he disappeared yet? Isn't he dead? No! They aren't cursed spirits! They are flesh and blood!' Nobara thought.

Both she and Itadori stopped fighting when they realized this.

All of a sudden, a truck came rushing by which caused the two to move out of the way.

"Watch it!" The passenger shouts.

Eso grabs the passenger's shirt which confused the man.


Without a second thought, Eso throws the passenger out of the car and takes his place in the seat.

"Faster. Step on the brakes and you're dead. You and your friend. Understand?" Eso coldly says as he glares at the driver.

The driver immediately nodded his head.

A loud painful scream left the man's lips as Eso held him threateningly.

"Don't come after us, jujutsu sorcerers!" Eso declared.

'After I heal my wounds...I'm going to kill those two– especially the girl. Sorry, Kechizu. I couldn't even mourn your death properly. But I promise I'll avenge–' Eso apologized.

His attention landed on Nobara's figure, seeing how she was standing over something with her hammer in her hand.

"What... Is that girl doing?" Eso muttered.

"Kugisaki!!" Itadori hollered.

"On it!" Nobara grinned as she stared down at the straw doll that was leaning against the arm that was left behind by Eso.

She tosses a nail at it, just to follow it with a slam of her hammer.

Eso's eyes widened as he felt a horrible pain electrify his whole body.

"Dammit!" Eso coughed as he came stumbling out from the back of the truck that he was standing on.

Itadori came in with a sliding stop, his right fist covered in cursed energy as Eso's weakened body came falling toward him.

"Sorry," he apologized quietly before thrusting his punch into Eso's body.


It was now nighttime, and Itadori could be currently staring at his fist that was covered in burnt marks.

"Damn, that hurt..." Itadori muttered under his breath as he watched steam from his hand evaporate into the night sky.


The sound of a game being played was heard as something plastic was spun.

"Geto, gimme a stocks card," Mahito says.

Geto seemed to take notice of the other male's silence and decided to speak up.

"What's up, Choso?" Geto asks.

"My younger brothers are dead," Choso answers as he breaks one of the pieces that belonged to the game.

"Hey! Don't break the pieces!" Mahito loudly scolds.

"How do you know?"

"What happened?"

Choso heavily sighs.

"It's one thing to be defeated by a fully fleshed curse, but those two wouldn't be killed by a curse with only one finger."

Mahito was scavenging a small bag looking for another piece he could replace the broken one with.

"Sheesh... Do we have extra pieces?" Mahito muttered.

"Just a second," Geto pulled his phone out to see what had happened just to become surprised.

"Hee hee! This just came in... Eso and Kechizu were killed by... Jujutsu High First-years and the nine-tailed fox...Yuji Itadori, (Y/n) (L/n), and their classmates!" Geto chuckled.

Hearing this, a wide grin appeared on Mahito's lips when he realized that their plan was soon to start.

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