The Origin of Obedience

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"Like I said! The auto-lock door was...left wide open! I told you last week too, didn't I? Why am I paying such a high management fee? Crap! Are you kidding me?! Today! Come inspect it now! I don't care if it's the weekend! Or I'll kill you!" A man says, yelling at the person on the other side of his phone, taking no notice of the cursed spirit behind him.


"June. Morioka. Taichi Kanada."

"August. Yokohama. Osamu Shimada."

"September. Nagoya. Hiroshi Yamato."

A woman could be seen talking to a familiar group of four as she drove a car.

Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara sat in the back seat while (Y/n) sat in the passenger, every single one of them listening to the report.

"These three died under the same circumstances. Stabbed to death at the entrances of their respective apartments. Also, all three had recently complained to building management that...the auto-lock on the automatic doors was unlocked. However, none of the other residents noticed," Jujutsu High Auxiliary Manager, Akari Nitta, explains.

(Y/n) looked over his shoulder to look over the report that Megumi had in his hand.

"But all the dates and locations are different. Did they really get killed by the same cursed spirit?" Megumi asks.

"Does the door issue have anything to do with the cursed spirit? Would a cursed spirit even trip a door sensor? They don't show up on cameras," Itadori asks.

"It's not that," (Y/n) says as he looks off to the side, and out the window beside him.

"It's not the door sensor. The door operator was influenced by the cursed spirit and went crazy," Akari says.

"Right... Operator?" Itadori questions.

"It's hard to confirm from the crime scenes...whether or not it's the same cursed spirit. Because some time had elapsed after the crime. So we investigated, trying to find a common thread that connected all three. What we learned was they all went to the same Junior High for two years," Akari answers.

"So, the three of them got the same curse. And then it manifested after all these years?" Nobara asks as she tries to piece everything together.

Itadori looked over at his female classmate in awe.

"Yup. There's a chance that's the case. We're on our way to talk to a classmate who knew all three. I'd like you four there to observe as jujutsu sorcerers."


Akari stops the car at their designated place, just for the group to find a funeral happening.

"A funeral..." Itadori trailed off.

"This is where their classmate lives?" Nobara asks.

"Yeah, but..." Akari sighed heavily. "This ain't good. Seems like he died the same way as the other three. He lived with his parents, but there's no auto-lock. But he lived with his parents, but there's no auto-lock. But he was killed in front of the entrance. He claimed that even though the door was unlocked, it wouldn't open. Or so the family says..."

The group of four heads up a pair of stairs that introduced a giant school building right in front of them.

"His parents aren't sure whether he had a relationship with the other three... Oh well... That was our only lead," Akari finishes.

"No problemo! There's gotta be something at this school!" Itadori exclaimed.

Nearing the doors, Nobara took notice of two boys who were nearby.

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