The Shibuya Incident, Part 26

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All of a sudden, blood went flying from Maki's side and Nanami's shoulder.

This confused the girl until she heard a loud growl from behind which caused her to look over her shoulder.

'A shikigami! That must be the domain's can't-miss attack. I didn't notice it until it hit me... No! It didn't exist until it hit me!' Maki thought.

'I knew it. This guy's different.' Dagon mused when he noticed that Naobito was able to slice the shikigami that went at him in half.

Naobito had his eyes narrowed in Dagon's direction.

Both of his knees were bent. His left foot was pointed off to the side and being pressed onto its ball, while his right foot was pointing forward.

His hands were in front of him. His left hand pointed toward the ground while his hand was also pointing forward and at a slight angle.

Seeing this, Dagon brought his hands together.

'I've seen enough. I'll focus 70 percent of my power for the mustache and 30 for the suit!' Dagon thought.

"Technique release!" He shouted.

Multiple different aquatic animals with sharp teeth appeared from behind Dagon.

"Maki!" Nanami shouted, getting the girl's attention. "The shikigami won't come looking for us! They'll just consume whatever's there instantly! Don't think! If you feel you've been hit...attack without hesitation!! Since you have almost no cursed energy, it's the only thing you can–" He was then forced to stop yelling as a shikigami bit down around his arms and torso.

A pained grunt left his lips as even more shikigami bit down on him from every angle.

"Mr. Nanami!" Maki hollered.

Naobito was able to keep the shikigami away from him thanks to his secret art, but he was still wary about what was happening around him.

'This ain't good... The force of the shikigami isn't slowing down at all... Could it be the technique connected to this domain is–' Before Naobito could even finish thinking, Dagon sent a punch into the man's face which sent him flying.

'The shikigami were blocking my view!' Naobito tched in annoyance.

"The the source of life," Dagon states as he points a hand in Naobito's direction, watching as the shikigami bit down on the male Zen'in before speaking once more. "Death swarm endless stream of shikigami."

Maki appeared behind Dagon, about to send in an attack just to be bit down on from even more shikigami.

Dagon looked over at the female. "You're...the weakest here!" He shouted as he swung his leg back and swung it straight at Maki who blocked it.

But due to the force of the kick, Maki was sent flying into the trees behind her.

"If you're going to call me weak..."

Hearing Maki's voice surprised Dagon as he watched the female walk toward him.

"...You'd better kill me in one hit, you damn octopus!" She shouted.

"Then I shall grant you...the same fate as the other two," Dagon replied.

'Dammit! I knew I should've met up with Megumi first! No, I should've just taken it out without waiting for permission.' Maki thought as she narrowed her eyes at Dagon.

"You'll be shredded into pieces."

"Domain expansion... Chimera shadow garden!!" A familiar voice shouted.

Dagon and Maki's attention turned toward the water when they saw a giant splash.

In the middle of the water stood Megumi.

"Maki!" Megumi shouted.

Maki's attention went toward her feet when she realized what Megumi had brought into the fight.

A wide grin appeared on her lips.

"Megumi! You know, you're really...such a cocky brat!" She exclaimed.


"Hm... I think we need a little scenery change. Don'tcha think?" (Y/n) asks, raising an eyebrow at Mirai.

Mirai stared at (Y/n) with their only good eye as they did their best to stay on their feet.

"What are you–" Mirai began to ask but froze when they watched (Y/n) bring his hands up.

Mirai's domain started to tremble under a force they couldn't see.

Cracks started to appear on the domain as it started shattering and falling to the ground.

A foxish smile appeared on (Y/n)'s lips as he stared down Mirai's figure.

"Domain expansion."

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